Richasi's Le Grand Chapiteau began operations on June 16, 1999 and since
that time we've continued to grow, morph and change. In this section you'll
find a list of what we've updated since our inception. There's a lot to take
in here so be sure to use the links to the right to access each year's update
notes (which will appear when selected). The current year is already in view.

06/16/99: L'Information de Cirque is a new interdomain within
Richasi's Domain. L'Information de Cirque is a fan
site/archive for Cirque du Soleil, the world renouned
French Canadian circus. They have inspired something
in me and for that I produce the page. It is now
fully online, the link is on the front page.
07/17/99: Site has continued to grow over the past month with
various pictures, links, and other items of interest.
08/09/99: Minor updates to a few pages, though the dates on
the pages will not have changed. I added a few
pictures to the Mystère site as well as updated
some info on various Music pages. Also the Le
Cirque Réinventé page was updated slighty with a
new graphic and clickable picture to expand that
slide. More to come when needed. Also, the Quidam
page was updated to reflect the lyrics to one of
the songs.
{ Return to Top }

02/01/00: Development has speeded up, then slowed down over
the course of these last few months. Additions
will be forthcoming as new material is brought
to light--but basically no new big selections
should be added in the near future.
07/19/00: Site still down. I await the Reedycreek server to
come back up. I had hoped it would return by July
1st but it has not. I placed a note from the link
to Cirque notifying anyone who wanted to see it.
Unfortunately, I do not know when it may return.
08/01/00: Ciruqe site is unfortunately still down. Like I
said, I have placed a new page out there that
says the site is down, this will help with the
broken link and inform you that it is still down
- when it comes back up I will take that page
down - I am looking forward to is as much as
you are, trust me :)
10/08/00: For its re-opening sometime REAL soon, I have
made some modifications to the site. While
they aren't too noticable at first glance,
one will be able to see them as they glance
around. First off, on the front page, a JAVA
applet has been added - I call it the Cirque
du Soleil NewsLink and there will be displayed
bits of information about Cirque - current news
and things - that I want my visitors to knows.
Secondly, the musique sections of each production
have been modified. There are two versions. For
O and Le Cirque Reinvente, you are presented with
a complete screen wide cover. Select your track to
hear clips.
For the majority, a frames section has been set up
for ease of movement and better organization of
things. It also allows for expansion in that area
if I so see fit to do so in the future (and there
will be some expansion in Musique sections soon).
Other additions include updates to various productions
as their status changes and new pictures for Alegria,
Mystere, La Nouba and O. You shall see a redesigned
"Preview Central" where you are provided with an
Audio and Video selection. Under Audio, you'll see
the "Collection" CD spread awaiting your decision for
clips. The video section will remain the same. Again,
this allows the site to support the Collection CD and
allow for expansion. Clips have been added to the
Dralion Section and Journey of Man section as well
as the Alegria Movie section. There are many more
additions left to be discovered and many more on
the way!
{ Return to Top }

02/01/01: New Navigation for Cirque Program area
02/10/01: Added new Mystère Acts List/Pics section
02/16/01: Redone Alegria: Le Film Site for new Navigation
02/17/01: Added new Saltimbanco Acts List/Pics section
(This is a new navigation where the acts and the
picture of the acts are presented in tandem)
Added Pictures to Fascination Section
02/19/01: Added La Magie Continue program scan
Added La Magie Continue cast picture in Picture Gallery
Added La Magie Continue Facts At a Glance page
Added Update Log (you're reading it now ;) )
02/21/01: Added 3 Pictures to Alegría (BMW)
Added 2 Pictures to Dralion
Added 3 Pictures to Saltimbanco Acts
02/26/01: Added 2 Pictures to Dralion (Erik and Bowls Act)
03/02/01: Added new Alegría Acts List/Pics section
Added a couple new Alegría pics (at Beau Rivage)
Changed Glimpse Into... and Story & Theme sections
(Merged old Glimpse into the old Story & Theme)
Updated Alegría ShowFacts page.
Added new Nouvelle Experience Acts List section
Updated Nouvelle ShowFacts page.
Added new La Nouba Acts List section
Added new «O» Acts/Pics section
03/04/01: Updated La Nouba Acts section
03/08/01: Removed Mystère Picture Gallery and replaced it.
Added "In the Past..." to Mystère
(Features pictures of what Mystère was before 1996)
Updated Scrolling News Bar.
03/15/01: Added Acts/Pics list to La Magie Continue
(Elusive Second Production! - Thanks to Martin Frenette
for some info!)
Updated News Bar with John Leaving.
Section name change: Cirque du Soleil --> Le Grand Tour
04/12/01: Updated La Magie Main/Glimpse Pages (small)
Fixed La Magie Pics/Facts page - link to Glimpse
Fixed Saltimbanco "Facts" page.
04/15/01: Added Dralion Acts List Section
Removed Pictures from Dralion Picture Gallery.
05/21/01: Renamed site from L'Information de Cirque to
Le Grand Chapiteau.
Updated scrolling news bar.
More new stuff coming soon!
05/27/01: Placed online the Le Grand Tour section
Le Grand Tour features acts & pictures!
Updated La Magie Continue main page - text rewrite
Added a couple of pictures to the Mystere Acts section
Site features complete name change.
06/13/01: New Saltimbanco Glimpse/Acts Section
(Divided into NAT/Japan-Europe/Asia-2000 Tours)
Fixed IE Coding error for Saltimbanco Section
(Display error with IE only)
Fixed IE Error for La Magie, Fascination, Halifax
Grand Tour, Nouvelle and Reinvente Sections.
Fixed IE Error for Mystere, Alegria, Quidam, O,
La Nouba and Dralion Sections.
Recoded Alegria: Le Film Picture Gallery page
Updated "Cirque Links" page
06/14/01: Added Musique/Facts/Theme pages to Le Grand Tour section
Added Musique/Theme pages to La Magie Continue section
Added New Musique information to Reinvente's Music page
06/17/01: Added Acts/Pics Section for Quidam (A Glimpse Into...)
Removed Quidam Picture Gallery.
Fixed wording for Saltimbanco 2000's Clown - Acts Page
Removed Saltimbanco Picture Gallery
(Redistributed remaining Pics through Acts List)
Added "Cast Foto" page, featuring NAT Cast picture.
Added "Sleeper" Pics to Saltimbanco 2000 Clown page
Added "Rene" pictures to Salt Japan Clown Page
Added Saltimbanco 2000 Musicians pic to "trax listing"
06/18/01: Added some new text for Quidam Europe Tour (Glimpse)
Added a couple new pics for Quidam Europe Tour (Glimpse)
Added "Quidam.MID" by Tristan. You can access this by
clicking on the Color Waves under the Cirque logo.
This will bring up a small window that you can
minimize and listen to the song while you browse.
It will loop continuously until you either stop the
play or close the window.
Redid the Site Information page w/more info
07/03/01: Changed Mystere Acts/Pics listing into Expérience, a new
experience where the acts are described (as before),
pictures are available (as before), but now music
clips of the acts are available! [Mystere is the
07/23/01: Back from Las Vegas and updates to come!
07/24/01: Updated Mystere Expérience section with new acts text and
changed the way the pictures were displayed. Also
added a Characters and Clown section.
Fixed Saltimbanco NAT Bungee act page -- was not found.
07/25/01: Added "Tickets" to front page.
Fixed Cirque List page -- graphic not loading.
Updated Scrolling News Bar.
07/26/01: Added "FAQ" to the front page. This is a co-FAQ with
Cirque du Soleil in general and the Yahoo! Groups
Cirque du Soleil list. It is in its infant stages
and much, much more will be added in the future.
Currently only in TEXT form. Will be made into
HTML later. Enjoy!
Fixed Mystere Behind the Scenes option on other menus.
Fixed Mystere Menu display -- IE problem
Fixed title on Update Log (Had old name still)
07/27/01: Updated «O» Glimpse (acts) section into "Expérience".
The text has been updated. New pictures added.
Character list. Music Clips to follow.
07/28/01: Version 1.0.3 of the Cirque FAQ has been added.
07/31/01: Version 1.0.4 of the Cirque FAQ has been added.
08/01/01: Version 1.0.5 of the Cirque FAQ has been added.
Changed some display in La Nouba "TheaterWatch".
08/16/01: Changed Links - added Fandom: FAQ/Fan-Club
Uploaded new FanClub front page, relink to official
08/17/01: Changed La Nouba Acts/Pics into "Expérience".
New Pictures. Music clips may follow.
Cropped "CastFoto" for Saltimbanco section.
Added a new Alegria movie to Preview Section.
BTS: Preview movies moved to Preview Directory.
Added 1987 LP picture to Reinvente Musique section.
08/18/01: Added 1988 Program image to Cirque Reinvente.
Removed "Quidam.MID" by Tristan. It was interfering
with other movies and audio throughout the site.
And, would not load properly on some browser
configurations. The wave has also been removed.
Added "Commercial" to La Nouba section.
Updated Fan-Club Greet page with new logo.
Version 1.1.0 of the Cirque FAQ has been added.
(skipped v1.0.6 - v1.0.9)
08/19/01: Merged all "Story" parts of Mystère into one page
and reworked it a bit.
Added "Headers" to La Magie and Le Grand Tour.
Updated Front page to La Nouba with two new pics.
Fixed Mystère Behind the Scenes Picture Texts --
some of them were mislabeled.
Changed Mystère's featured Quote.
09/07/01: Finished "1988 Tour" Expérience section for Réinventé
09/08/01: Finished "1989 Tour" Expérience section for Réinventé
Added "Cast Foto" to Réinventé (replaces "Picture Gallery)
Added "Theme" section to Réinventé
Updated News Ticker
09/15/01: Version 1.2.0 of the Cirque FAQ has been added.
10/17/01: Version 1.3.0 of the Cirque FAQ has been added.
Note: Updates coming soon. I have been real busy
with the Fascination! Newsletter.
10/30/01: Removed the "News Bar" and replaced it with the menu
selection of NEWS!. This is a sign-up form for
the "Fascination! Newsletter", a production of
Le Grand Chapiteau and the Fascination! Fanclub.
Subscribe for current news. (Written by Richasi
and staff).
11/01/01: Finished "1987 Tour" Expérience section for Réinventé
Added "Coloring Book" to Réinventé section.
Added "FAQ" page/logo.
Added "Video/DVD" pages to Magie, Réinventé, Nouvelle
Experience, Saltimbanco, Quidam and Dralion.
11/03/01: Added "Video/DVD" pages to Alegría and La Nouba
Added Full Circle VHS pic to Quidam "Video/DVD"
Added Saltimbanco VHS pic to Saltimbanco "Video/DVD"
Fixed menu problems in Réinventé section.
Added "Video/DVD" page to Alegria: Le Film
Added 2 new Performers links: Dima & Iryna and
WheelTwins(La Nouba).
Removed Misha, Taiko and Finale clips from Mystère
Musique section
Added Rumeurs, Birimbau and Caravena clips to Mystère
Musique section
Merged all "Story & Theme" parts of Alegría into
one page.
All new scans of "Le Grand Tour" pictures
(Much better quality, smaller size)
New scans of "Le Magie Continue" pictures
(better quality, smaller size)
New pictures added to Le Magie Continue
New scans of some Mystère pics in "Of the Past..."
New pictures (Man & Woman, Hand to Hand) in Mystère
"Of the Past..." section.
Updated Mystère "Musique" section with two new musician
pictures and CD technical info.
11/04/01: Updated "Site Info" page.
New Scans of some Saltimbanco pics
Added CirqueClub link to Treasures of the Troupe
11/06/01: Updated Musique, Theme, and Index texts. Nothing fancy.
Changed "FAQ" and "News!" page to the same format as
Cirque History and Site Info.
Fixed "Site Info" display (missing logo column section)
Updated "Treasures" text and header picture
11/08/01: Added Pictures to Nouvelle Experience and turned
Glimpse... into "Expérience". Musique clips not
to be added.
Removed Nouvelle Experience Picture Gallery and
replaced it with a "Cast Foto".
Added a picture to "Musique Notes" for Nouvelle.
Added "Under the Big Top" Exhibit info/Pictures under
the "Treasures of the Troupe" menu.
Updated "Cirque History" with 2001 info, and rewrote
some of the past years info.
Changed La Nouba German Wheel Act pic.
Added "Aerial Pas de Deux" Picture to Dralion.
New scan of the "Bowl Act" for Dralion.
11/09/01: Turned "Glimpse Into..." into Expérience for Dralion,
La Magie Continue, Le Grand Tour, Saltimbanco,
Quidam and Alegría sections.
11/10/01: Added "European Tour" to Saltimbanco Expérience.
Changed some Saltimbanco pictures; new scans.
11/11/01: Completely redid the Saltimbanco "Expérience" section
with new pictures, new text, and added music
clips to the European Tour section (live clips).
Added Live Clips to Quidam "Expérience" Euro Tour.
Added new "Preview Central" with new logo's and
new section: FOTO.
12/01/01: New Fan-Club page. The page has been returned to me and
is now online at reedycreek.
Version 1.4.0 of the Cirque FAQ has been added.
{ Return to Top }

01/21/02: Removed link to "Tickets". The redesign of Cirque's site
does not allow this to work properly.
Fan Club Pages have been updated.
03/21/02: Sorry for the lack of updates lately - Been busy with the
"Fascination! Newsletter". Check it out by clicking
on FanClub from the main page. Now, to the updates...
Added 4 "Manipulation Act" Pictures to Quidam NAT.
Changed DVD Picture for Quidam (the Original Cover Pic).
Updated Index Texts for: Quidam, Saltimbanco, Dralion,
Alegría, Fascination, Réinventé and Nouvelle
Updated the Fan Club page (see its update log for
further info)
Removed "Dralion Club" link from Treasures.
Removed "ShowFacts" section from Alegría, Saltimbanco,
Fascination, Nouvelle Experience, Quidam, Dralion
and Le Cirque Reinvente. They will be replaced with
"Tour Itinerary", a historical look back at tours.
Added "Tour Itinerary" w/info to: Saltimbanco, Nouvelle
Experience, Alegría, Fascination and Réinventé.
3/22/02: Removed "ShowFacts" section from Grand Tour and Magie
Continued. Replaced with "Tour Itinerary".
Added "Trip Itinerary" info to Quidam, Grand Tour and
Le Magie Continue.
Updated Index Texts for Grand Tour and Le Magie Continue.
3/24/02: Added "Asia/Pacific Tour" acts/pics to Alegría's
Expèrience section.
Prepared to add the same to "US Tour" and "European Tour".
3/25/02: Deconstructed the work I did on Alegria's Expèrience
and made a new Expèrience section for it. Go
check it out! A similar version will appear shortly
for Saltimbanco and Quidam!
4/03/02: New ShowMap for the Front Page, adding Varekai - Cirque's
new show.
Added "Varekai" directory with quick welcome page.
Updated Page with "Varekai" logo (Columns).
4/04/02: Small behind the scenes code changes.
New Quidam "Expèrience" section Online. It mirrors the
one done for Alegría. Saltimbanco will be next.
Split off the old 2001 Updates into 2001news.htm. Only
current year will be viewed here (you're reading it).
Previous year log was kept is viewable by link only.
This cuts load time and reading time down a lot.
4/05/02: All sections have branded columns, ie: "Expèrience",
"Ininéraire", "Musique", "Télémagik", and "Theme"
(Where Applicable).
4/09/02: "Got Cirque" Advertisement from the Milk Industry
information and picture is up in "Treasures of
the Troupe".
"Zoom Zoom!" Advertisement from BMW-Australia's
sponsorship of Alegría in Australia information
and pictures are up in "Treasures of the Troupe".
Version 1.4.5 of the Cirque FAQ is online.
6/08/02: Minor updates to code on main pages.
Removal of "Foto" part of Preview Central.
Removal of "Cirque Structure" from "Treasures".
7/01/02: You may have noticed a little pop-up window when
trying to "right-click" on any page here at the
Grand Chapiteau. This was put in to place to
discourage any image theft. This is in conjunction
with the wishes of Cirque du Soleil. Please do not
take any images from this site.
All Sections/Directories feature this code change.
7/15/02: Updated Richasi's Domain Link on Front Page
8/25/02: Varekai section finally coming online. Some images
are in place on the front page and all the sections
are up: Itinerarie, Telemagik, Musique, Experience,
and Theme.
Varekai's Expérience section is online with acts information
and pictures when available. Clowns and Characters
section not up yet.
Updated front page links to remove "FanClub" and "News!"
and replaced it with a link to the Yahoo! Groups page
for the "Fascination! Newsletter".
8/30/02: Treasures of the Troupe updated with two new selections:
"MGM Grand Press Conference" and "Australia Alegría
Postal Cachet". Both of these feature a couple of
Removed "Cirque du Soleil Recipies" from Treasures. It
will not re-appear in the future I do not think.
Fixed text color error on SITE INFO page.
10/14/02: Changed the Cirque logo on the front page from blue
to Gold.
Added "Invoke Provoke Evoke" to the front page.
Added old Cirque du Soleil art logo to Le Grand Tour.
Added/Changed 2 pictures to Alegría section.
Removed soundclips from Mystère Expérience section.
Removed soundclips from Quidam Expérience section.
Added/Changed 3 pictures to Quidam section.
These removals will help clean-up some of the sections
as well as centralize the clips in the "Musique"
sections of each show. It should also help us with
our bandwidth useage.
10/20/02: New index page design featuring 4-cut graphic image
instead of graphic/text mix. This new design is the
fusion of "Le Grand Chapiteau" with the "Fascination!
Newsletter". Both will begin to become
interchangeable with one another. "Fascination!"
will be closely linked to "Grand Chapiteau" more in
the future.
New "Creations" page with the logos for all the shows. This
will benefit us for expansion with the 2003 and 2004
New designs for "Treasures of the Troup", "Preview Central"
and "Update Log" pages.
Cirque History --> "Historia" -- New text added with the
new designs.
11/10/02: Updated Itinèraire sections for Alegría, Dralion, Quidam,
Saltimbanco and Varekai.
Updated Varekai's Télémagik section with current rumors
about the release of the DVD/VHS.
Removed "Picture Gallery" from the «O» Section.
Removed soundclips from Saltimbanco Expérience section.
Updated/Fixed Alegría "Historie" (part of Expérience)
section with proper acts listings.
Removed "ShowFacts" from Mystère section.
11/21/02: Added two pictures to the Varekai section. Thanks to
Stephen Plante for sending me the pictures! You'll
find a picture for Olga's Handbalalncing act as
well as the Water Meteors.
Fixed a couple of links in the Mystère section
Updated Treasures of the Troupe areas with new Journey
of Man and Halifax Summit pages.
11/23/02: Updated Treasures of the Troupe area with a re-designed
version of the Alegria: Le Film page.
Added the German Poster to the Alegria: Le Film page.
Added "Behind the Scenes" video of the Got Milk photo
shoot. It is in Windows Media format and is 7.4 megs.
12/18/02: Updated Treasures of the Troupe area with two new
- The "74th Academy Awards Performance" complete with
10.4 MB video, text on the acts, and more.
- The "Cirque du Soleil HeadQuarers" featuring
highlights about the studio, and four pictures.
Fixed display problem with Netscape browsers on "Creations"
Updated "Site Info" with new site division information.
{ Return to Top }

01/05/03: Updated Varekai section under "Creations" with a
couple of new pictures. One of the Ending, one of
the Georgian Dance, one of the Russian Swings, and
one of the Body Skating routines. Thanks to Stephen
Plante once again for the pictures. Updated the credit
on the Chicago Exhibit.
Added new code to disable image downloading by IE 6.0
01/07/03: Updated Preview Central (Audio & Video), Site Info,
Historia, and other smaller sections of the site with
new code changes. Nothing of their foreground text has
01/09/03: All new sections online: Cirque Musica, which takes the
places of the individual Creations' Musique sections.
Cirque Musica features album cover scans, information,
track listings, clips, lyrics and more! For now, just
the cover scans, track listing, Lyrics and clips are
available. In the next major update (March 2003) the
linear notes from each album will also be included. In
the future historical and other documented information
will also be displayed.
Another new section entitled "Télémagik" replaces Preview
Central. Like "Cirque Musica" with music, "Télémagik"
features Video/DVD information, scans, information,
and clips. A "Télémagik" teaser page is up, the
information will start coming online in March 2003.
Treasures of the Troupe received two displaced items. The
1987 Coloring Book and Mystère: Behind the Scenes,
which were under their respected show directories are
now more centralized in Treasures. Information from
"Fascination!" article added to the coloring book page.
All Musique and Telemagik links in the individual show
directories have been removed and replaced with one new
"AudioVisual" link. This provides links back to "Cirque
Musica" and "Télémagik" sections.
There shall be no further updates until mid to late-March.
I will be out of the country until mid-February.
03/01/03: Fixed spelling error on front page text.
03/11/03: Added Opening, Clowns, Characters to Varekai section in
Updated Itinerary information for Varekai, Dralion,
Saltimbanco and Alegría.
Updated Mystère and "O" AudioVisual pages with pictures
of their products.
03/12/03: Fixed Magie Continue's initial Experience act list.
Re-arranged Fascination's index menu
Updated Intro text for La Magie Continue, Nouvelle
Experience, Fascination, Saltimbanco and Dralion.
Added "Theme" to Nouvelle Experience and Fascination
Updated "Theme" text to La Magie Continue, Alegría
Added "Historie" to Saltimbanco's Expérience section
Added Tag-Line to Cirque Réinventé;s index page.
Updated "Site Info" text to reflect new sections.
Added a picture to "Journey of Man" in Treasures of the
Added Characters, Clowns, and Opening to Varekai section.
04/08/03: Fixed some errors in the Lyrics area of the Musica section.
"Querer" was mistitled as "Vai Vedrai", "A Child in
his Eyes" was mistitled "Love Leaves Someone Behind",
and "Pokinoi" wasn't dubbed "fan obtained". Also, fixed
a spelling error in Dralion's "Miracula..." -- THANK
YOU SCOTT!!! [Lord Cirque]
04/10/03: Finally, after some delay, Télémagik comes online
- and just in time for my birthday (today). So,
celebrate with me by exploring Télémagik today!
04/23/03: Some minute changes in the Musica section and to the
Creations Menu. Added "Zumanity" and "Fire Within"
logos for upcoming sections.
Added "Chat Group" and "Forum" to the main page. The
Chat Group goes to the Cirquedusoleil Yahoo Group
and Forum takes you to an affiliated Cirque Forum.
Updated Tour Itineraire for Saltimbanco, Alegría, Quidam,
Dralion and Varekai. Thanks to Roderick for correcting
some Quidam dates!
Removed Cast Foto for Magie, Reinvente and Nouvelle section.
Removed ShowFascts from "O" Creation section.
Fixed AudioVisual link and removed Commercial link in
La Nouba.
Updated Cirque FAQ - to version 2.0.0 from 1.4.5.
5/14/03: Added lyrics to "Vocea" in Musica. Thanks to Robin!
6/03/03: Added a few new pictures to Varekai section - Flight of
Icarus, Opening, Icarian Games, Triple Trapeze,
Rodrique (Characters).
Fixed Spelling of Icarian Games (Icarien to Icarian).
Added Picture of Cirque at Academy Awards (Chris Lashua
with statue).
Removed some images from Alegria, Saltimbanco, and Quidam.
Made each show return to Creations page instead of main page.
8/15/03: Added 3 lyrics to the Lyrics page under Musica. These lyrics
belong to Varekai and were fan obtained. Thank you to
Andrés Mata and 'moonlight-artemis' for the lyrics to
"Rain One", "El Péndulo" and "Kèro Hiréyo".
9/07/03: Added 1 lyric to the Lyrics page under Musica. This lyric
is from Varekai and was fan obtained. Thank you Andy
for sending it to me :)
10/03/03: Added European Tour Dates to Alegria's Itinerarie Section.
Thanks goes out to Roderick who provided this
Added 6 lyrics to Dralion on the Lyrics page under Cirque
Musica. They are: Stella Errans, Spiritual Spiral,
Ravendhi, Ninkou Latora, Aborigenes Jam and Kamandé.
Thanks to Marc-Oliver for supplying these lyrics.
Added Fire Within section. All thirteen episode synopsis have
been added from the files of Fascination! Synopses have
been reprinted with permission of Wayne Leung (Writer)
and Fascination!
03/23/04: Sorry, just removing the link to CirqueForum. It appears
now to be a porn site. Though, there are some changes
coming. Stay tuned!
{ Return to Top }

04/22/04: I know it's been a long time coming, but I'm finally able
to reveal the new site. How does it look? It's been almost
a year without any real huge updates and for that I
apologize. Doing the Fascination! Newsletter now for the
past three years has taken its toll, and I've had less
and less time for site updates. However, I wanted to
rectify that for its 5th anniversary!
Among it being brighter and (I hope) easier to navigate,
you'll find a plethora of changes here, too many even to
list on the update log. But generally I can say there has
been a lot of streamlining of navigation and information
display. Information that was displayed on three pages in
the past has been consolidated on one page.
There's still a few updates left to perform but I thought
I'd better get the majority of the new pieces online just
as soon as I was comfortable with the navigation. So, with
that, please enjoy the 5th Anniversary version of Richasi's
Le Grand Chapiteau!
06/24/04: Added the CirqueCon 2005 Page as well as a link from the
index page.
06/27/04: Updated CirqueCon 2005 page with new information on the
07/13/04: Uploaded an updated CirqueCon 2005 pageset. There's expanded
information about the upcoming gathering. Check it out!
07/17/04: Added an issue archive for the Fascination! Newsletter. All
of our past issues are avaialble through it. Select
Newsletter from the top navigation bar or the Newsletter
logo from the main page to access it. Also added a link
to the Navigation bar entitled "Forum", which will take
you to CirqueTribune, the new online fan-run forum!
08/28/04: Uploaded an updated CirqueCon 2005 pageset. There's little
updates on each page. What's of note is the change in ticket
10/30/04: Added lyrics... "Nostalgie" to «O» (Thanks Andrés Mata!) and
"Emballa" to Varekai (Thanks to Bruno Kim!). I also wish to
thank "gufia" who sent fixes for Spanish lyrics to
"Moonlicht", "Rain One", "Valspena", "Querer", and "Quidam".
Thank you!
Added "Cirque du Soleil Presents La Nouba" and "Cirque du
Soleil Fire Within" to the Télémagik section.
Added "Le Best of" CD and ghost link for "Delerium" to
Musica section.
{ Return to Top }

03/10/05: Updated Itinéraire sections for Saltimbanco, Alegría,
Quidam Dralion and Varekai.
Updated the UpdateLog screens to reflect the 2004/2005
Added new Fascination! Newsletter website under the
menu selection "Fascination!". This replaces the
old "back issue repository" that previously
existed. This new site features an Issue Photo
Gallery, an issue updated Itinerary, TV Listings
and, yes, a Back Issue section. This new site
takes the place of the Yahoo! Groups site for
back issues and may, in the future, be the new
distribution for the newsletter.
Minor maintenance on the "Site Info" page.
03/11/05: Added "Table of Contents" (which lists the Table of
Contents for each issue), "Meet the Staff" (which
showcases the writing staff), and "DidYaKnow?"
(which lists the Cirque facts and figures as
previously published from Issue #25-September 2003
through Issue #35-July 2003) to the Fascination!
Website. Also massaged some of the menu text and
added new introductory text to the Front Page.
03/12/05: Fixed coding error on the Lyrics page of the
Musique section.
Prepared Creations page for KÀ, Cirque 2005 and
Mirage 2006 shows.
Fixed missing picture on Saltimbanco Character page.
Fixed vertical and horizontal alignment display
issues for: Le Grand Tour, Fascination,
Cirque Reinvente, Nouvelle Experience Fire
Within, Quidam, Mystère, La Nouba, Dralion,
Varekai, Saltimbanco and «O».
Added picture of Diabolo act to Saltimbanco.
Prepped KÀ section based off the review by Wayne
Leung in Fascination! issues #41-43. Will be placed
online once the issue pertaining to the scenes is
published (#42).
Added Solstrom section to Creations menu. Placed all
available reviews from Solstrom series online
(episodes 1-9 only). Based off the published
reviews by Wayne Leung in Fascination! issues
03/13/05: Changes to the Musique section: Added the Zumanity CD
and new visuals for Alegria, Dralion, Varekai and
Solarium. Also added alternate visual to Alegria
Le Film.
04/13/05: Uploaded the "Scenes" for the KÀ section. The entire
section is now online.
Changed links for CirqueCon to reflect the new domain
Changed links for Fascination! to reflect the new
domain name:
Updated CirqueCon pages with updated Itinerary and a
Directions page, incase anyone gets lost.
07/01/05: Just a note to say there will be some minor changes to
the Grand Chapiteau over the next couple of weeks.
I am first going through all the code, updating and
validating to XHTML 1.0 and CSS-1 standards. The
visual layout of the site will not change, this is
a behind the scenes refresh, but there may be a
broken link or two while I finish the update.
Creations page XHTML/CSS conversion complete.
Alegria section XHMTL/CSS conversion complete.
11/17/05: Updated Itinéraire sections for Saltimbanco, Alegría,
Quidam, Dralion and Varekai.
{ Return to Top }

02/19/06: Overhauled information on Musique section. Added all
new Cirque du Soleil Musique 2004-2006 titles,
Updated information on some of the past RCA/Victor
titles, added "Fanfafonie 45" Record place holder
and removed any 30-second MP3 clips that might have
still been present.
Moved 2005 News to "2005 Updates" page.
02/20/06: Overhauled information on Telemagik section. Added four
new titles: Corteo, Solstrom, Midnight Sun and
KÀ Extreme. Cleaned up some of the code behind-the-
scenes. Removed all RAM/RM/QT video's from section.
Will be adding more Region DVD information as it
becomes available (and I have time to research it).
Fixed menu problems with Alegria Le Film and Journey of
Man Creations page.
Removed video from "Got Cirque/Got Milk" page on the
Treasures section.
Fixed broken image on Quidam Index page in Creations.
02/23/06: Continued tweaking Musica section. Uploaded changes.
02/27/06: Found original 1999 and 2000 update notations in CD
backups. Re-appended them to the Update log. Changed
navigation accordingly.
04/28/06: Updated Télémagik with Corteo DVD particulars. Also fixed
information reported for Dralion DVD (Bonus Features).
06/11/06: Added Corteo Section to Creations - there are a few items
not complete yet: Aerial Strap, Acrobatic Duo and
Of the Past.
Added logo of LOVE to Creations. Thanks to Trevor Kafka for
providing samples of the logo. (Section not online)
Updated Itinéraire for: Saltimbanco, Alegría, Quidam,
Dralion, Varekai and Corteo.
Changed "Forum" to "CirqueTribune" on main index menu bar
even though it had been pointing there.
Added "Wiki", a link to CirqueWIKI - a partnership
between Le Grand Chapiteau and Cirque Tribune!
Fixed "elements" image error on Dralion page.
Fixed "audrey" image error on Quidam page.
New pictures of Contortion and Cadre in "O" Experience.
Changed "straps" image of Aerial Straps in Varekai.
Added "lovesick" DVD to Télémagik
Fixed navi-header text for KÀ Extreme, Solstrom, Varekai,
Corteo and Full Circle titles.
06/16/06: In honor and appreciation for Le Grand Chapiteau's
7th Anniversary, I have updated the CirqueFAQ. You'll
find it on the main page under FAQ. Stats: 52 pages
long, 118k, v3.0.
08/10/06: Released version 3.0.5 of CirqueFAQ
{ Return to Top }

12/20/07: Changed the "Creations Page" navigation to break apart
the logos for Touring, Resident Arena and Other
Shows categories. This is in preparation for an all
out upgrade/change to Le Grand Chapiteau, that should
begin coming online in early 2008.
Updated the Historia page, brining it up to date.
12/22/07: Overhauled layout code to fix rendering issues across
platforms & browsers. Will begin replicating
this change to all pages by next year.
12/23/07: The Update Log pages were updated with new Layout
code spoken about above.
The Site Info page was updated with descriptions of
the new selections and updated with the new
Layout code.
Updated the Musique page, it is about 90% complete. Re-
coded behind-the-scenes, added new CD indicies
since last update (Delirium, Corteo, LOVE and
Wintuk) and re-rendered all album cover thumbs
and most album covers for better quality.
{ Return to Top }

01/01/08: .) Released v3.1.0 of the CirqueFAQ. You'll find it on the
main page under the FAQ link. Stats: 74 pages long,
159k. Previous version: 52 pages long, 118k,
.) Finished initial Musique page overhaul and placed online.
Tweaks coming in the future.
01/02/08: .) Finished initial Télémajik section overhaul and placed
online. Tweaks also coming in the future.
.) Added UPC/Catalog # information to Wintuk CD
01/05/08: Finished constructing NEW Livres section and placed
online. This section features books and other
publications made for and by Cirque du Soleil in
BOOKS, CALENDARS, and OTHER categories. Check it
01/06/08: Updated the Creations Page with new banner and FAQ
stuff. Updates to the show sections themselves should
come sporatically over the next few weeks, starting
with Alegría.
01/27/08: The new ALEGRIA section is online.
01/28/08: The new KOOZA section is online.
01/30/08: The new CORTEO section is online.
01/31/08: The new VAREKAI section is online.
02/02/08: The new DRALION section is online.
02/05/08: .) A new, somewhat expanded JOURNEY OF MAN section is
online. As well as a quick fix ALEGRIA LE FILM
page, which is now part of the Alegria section
(rather than "Treasures of the Troupe" where it
had been.)
.) Fixed an error in one of the picture links on the
Dralion's act page in DRALION.
.) Removed the "Arena Shows" title from the main Creation
page. Moved DELIRIUM under "Other Shows" and removed
SALTIMBANCO Arena. (I'm not sure if I want to
separate the Big Top version from the Arena
.) The new FASCINATION section is online.
02/13/08: The new SALTIMBANCO section is online.
02/15/08: Released v3.2.0 of the CirqueFAQ online. You'll find it
on the main page under the FAQ link. Stats: 89 pages
long, 193k. Previous version: 74 pages long, 159k
02/18/08: The new NOUVELLE EXPERIENCE section is online.
02/19/08: The new LE MAGIE CONTINUE section is online.
02/21/08: The new LE GRAND TOUR section is online.
02/27/08: The new CIRQUE REINVENTE section is online.
03/03/08: The new QUIDAM section is online.
This completes "Phase 1" of the "Touring Shows" section
03/20/08: Just taking a break! Changed out and added a few new
pictures from the Shoulder-Pole Wire act for
04/06/08: The new LA NOUBA section is online.
04/13/08: The new SOLSTROM section is online.
04/14/08: Placed "Teaser" pages with essential information (such as
show name, location, premiere date, story and theme,
creative team, and acts/performances list) for the
upcoming new RESIDENT shows: Macau 2008,
Tokyo 2008, Luxor 2008, Elvis 2009,
Dubai 2010, Macau 2010, and Kodak 2010.
And placed the "teaser" page for Cirque 2009, the
next touring production.
These pages are quick and dirty placeholders for
fans to find information about these shows quickly.
Once the shows premiere and content is available,
these "teaser" pages will be replaced with the
real thing.
Also, the new FIRE WITHIN section is online.
04/20/08: Retracted the LUXOR 2008 page and placed the BELIEVE
page in its place. It will grow as more details
about the new show emerge.
Also added information and images pertaining to the
2008 Barnes & Noble calendars in the LIVRES
section and the DK Sticker Book.
04/28/08: The new KÀ section is online.
04/29/08: Brand new Wintuk section is online.
Brand new LOVE section is online (minus act pictures).
05/17/08: Updated release date of Dubai 2010 to 2011, changed
the necessary temp logo and moved around the
selection on the CREATIONS page.
05/18/08: The new Mystère section is online.
Also replaced the old Mystère logo with a new, higher
quality one.
05/21/08: The new «O» section is online.
Also replaced the old «O» logo with a new, higher
quality one.
05/29/08: Cirque announces Macao 2008 as "ZAIA"! Therefore, I
retracted the MACAO 2008 page and placed the new
ZAIA page in its place. It will grow as more
details about this new show emerge.
Also updated the BELIEVE Visual and the logo on the
Creations page.
06/03/08: Cirque announces Tokyo 2008 as "ZED"! Therefore, the
new ZED page goes live. As with all the other
new 2008 shows, this page will grow when more
details are available.
Also, released v3.3.0 of CirqueFAQ, which updates
with ZAIA, Believe and ZED show information, 3
calendars from 2008/2009, the Koozå CD and other
little bits here and there.
06/08/08: The new ZUMANITY section is online.
This completes "Phase 1" of the "Resident Shows" section
of CREATIONS. Only one show left - Delirium - to be
accounted for before CREATIONS Phase One complete.
06/16/08: It was 20 years ago today...
That Sgt. Pepp... er, no...
It was 9 years ago today that my Cirque site - Richasi's
Le Grand Chapiteau - went live with the purpose to
entertain and educate passers-by about Cirque du Soleil,
an amazing avant-garde circus troupe from Quebec, that
has showed us life, death and dreams can and do collide
in the most bizarre and eye catching ways.
06/21/08: The new DELIRIUM section is online.
(Such as it is... I'm not a big fan of this show, and
it unfortunately shows.)
This completes "Phase 1" of the entire CREATIONS
section. I will now move on to other parts of the
site, while I prepare what I may want to add/change
to CREATIONS in the next phase.
09/20/08: Updated the ZAIA page to include info on the acts,
characters and theater. Populated with information
obtained from Cirque du Soleil press sources.
Also, updated the BELIEVE page with intro
text obtained from BELIEVE's Programme Book.
09/21/08: Added songs to KOOZA acts in its Expérience section.
Added image icons to KOOZA, LOVE, and DELIRIUM page
Added KOOZA CD to Musique section.
Added Blu-Ray information to CORETO DVD.
Added KOOZA & ALL TOGETHER NOW DVDs to Telemagik.
Added BONUS FEATURES notes and descriptions to the
following: Mystery of Mystère, FLOW, and
A Thrilling Ride Through Koozå DVDs.
Re-Organized the Telemagik page into three sections:
Productions, Specials and Documentaries.
10/25/08: Brought Télémajik into Phase 2 by re-coding pages
behind-the-scenes using the "Baroque Odyssey"
template, and added information whenever needed.
Updated Itinéraire (tour) information on all touring
shows: Saltimbanco, Alegría, Quidam
Dralion, Varekai, Corteo & Koozå
Updated the ZED page to include info on the acts and
characters. Populated with information obtained
from Cirque du Soleil press sources.
12/17/08: Released v3.4.0 of CirqueFAQ, which updates
with Kooza DVD info, Cirque 2009 info, ZAIA and
ZED act information, fixed dates on "Where has
Cirque Toured", fixed Delirium CD Catalog # and
Koozå CD Catalog #, added additional information
on SPARS Code question in relation to Cirque
CD's, added "All Together Now" Documentary DVD
listing, and a few other things!
{ Return to Top }

04/08/09: Updated Creations Page with logo of new show, removed
Macau 2010 as that is not happening now,
and added Cirque2010 (tour) and Cirque2009
(resident, Chicago).
Added OvO splashpage.
05/04/09: Updated Creators page on Le CIRQUE section based on
email from Gilles Ste-Croix. Changed the Director to
Michael Chelnikov, the Set Designer to Gilles
Ste-Croix and the Lightning designer to Claude
Accolas. Thank you sir!
07/07/09: Happy Cirque Day! (as designated by the old Cirque
Yahoo Group). Some updates:
- Updated the Update Log to split off 2008 from 2009.
- Added "Fan Sketch" text to Koozå acts.
- Updated tour locations for Alegría, Quidam and Corteo.
- Updated Itinéraire (tour) information on all touring
shows: Saltimbanco, Alegría, Quidam
Dralion, Varekai, Corteo & Koozå
- Added ZAIA and Cirque 25 CDs to Musique page.
- Rearranged Musique page into three categories:
ShowTracks, Compilations and Other.
- Fixed Catalog # typo on Mystère CD.
- Added Bonus DVD info to Corteo CD.
- New TREASURES page goes live. This page is a repository
for Articles & other Special uncategorized postings.
This page takes the place of the old "Treasures of the
Troupe" page. The new page isn't yet full of information,
but more articles should be coming online soon.
09/13/09: Updated the OvO section with complete Experiénce execution,
Personages, and Creative Team lists. Also updated
OVO's Itinerary page. Pix coming soon.
Added the index for Banana Shpeel, Cirque's new twist
on vaudeville. Logo now appears on Creations page,
and the creators listing appears off the index.
More to come once the show premeires in Chicago.
09/15/09: Released v3.5.0 of CirqueFAQ, which updates
with OVO act information, ZAIA CD information,
added Banana Shpeel, updated Musique section
to include Justin Time Records, added Cirque 25
CD info, added Album Run-Times and CD Track
Listings w/track times and a few other things!
{ Return to Top }

04/09/10: Updated Creations Page with logo of new show - Totem.
Updated OVO Logo from B&W to Color (Orange).
Removed Links to Kodak 2011 and Dubai 2012.
Re-arranged Update Logs for 2010.
Added ZED & OVO albums to MUSIQUE.
New Index page header (header3)
04/23/10: Updated mini-FAQ's around the site, which includes
04/24/10: Updated KOOZA Logo from Purple to Poster Design.
05/08/10: Created new LYRICS section, removing the
old page from the MUSIQUE section. Lyrics have
been completely updated, with listings for
newer shows and even "new" lyrics for older
shows. Lyrics come from three sources: official
Cirque Song Books and CD Linear Notes, semi-
official Audition Kit notes and unofficial
fan transliterations.
05/09/10: Added second menu bar to front page.
05/10/10: In the process of expanding old "Treasures" of
the Troupe page into something more. The new
LYRICS page is part of that project. Also up
are INTERVIEWS or "In Their Own Words", a
list of interviews we've had with Cirque du
Soleil alum. Upcoming are ARTICLES, go "Behind
the Curtain" to get a peek into the inner workings
of Cirque du Soleil from various angles of
investigation; and SPECIALS, to explore "Beyond
the Bigtop", as we delve into a number of special
performances Cirque du Soleil has done throughout
the years; and a new TREASURES, which features
odds and ends (such as banners, backgrounds and
other goodies, and a place to connect with Cirque
outside of its normal venues with "The Cirque
05/13/10: Added complete TOTEM section.
Acts & Pictures included, with info on each.
Also updated all show itinerary pages.
05/14/10: Updated KOOZA acts to remove Juggling and add
Manipulation. Also updated "official description"
text of Hand to Hand for KOOZA.
Updated LA NOUBA acts to remove Chair Balancing
from active list and add Juggling. Chair Balancing
now part of "Of the Past..."
05/15/10: Updated all Resident Performance Schedules and
Ticket Prices for 2010.
05/23/10: Added 3 pictures to Kooza's "Manipulation" act.
Added 3 pictures to La Nouba's "Juggling" act.
Added 1 pic to La Nouba's "Tissu" act.
Added 1 pic to La Nouba's "Diabolo" act.
Added a few new pics to KOOZA's Experience section.
Added pics to acts for OVO Experience section.
05/26/10: Updated HISTORIA section with a complete overhaul.
Rather than one page, it is a complete section
dedicated to Cirque du Soleil's history. More
images and artifacts will be posted throughout
the years in subsequent updates.
05/30/10: Updated LIVRES (Books) section with a mini overhaul.
Added 2009 & 2010 calendars and 25th Anniversary
Costume book. Also updated page visuals throughout
06/02/10: Tweaked the CREATIONS page to add "arena" or "Bigtop"
to the touring shows.
Tweaked TELEMAJIK page to change section headings to
match MUSIQUE and CREATIONS pages.
06/03/10: Work continues behind-the-scenes on the expanded
TREASURES sections. Rebranded as Interviews ("In
Their Own Words"), Specials ("Behind the Curtain"),
Events ("Beyond the Bigtop") and Treasures ("Articles
& Artifacts"), which will include "The Cirque
06/04/10: Reworked the INTERVIEWS page navigation to include
headshots of artists interviewed by us.
06/05/10: Added the SPECIALS section - ("Behind the Curtain").
More will be added in the near future!
06/06/10: Updated Saltimbanco Logo on Creations page & show pages.
Updated Believe logo on show pages.
Updated Koozå logo on show pages.
Updated La Nouba Logo on show pages.
Updated KÀ logo on show pages
Updated Dralion logo on Creations page & show pages.
Began using new CIRQUE "chrome" logo on pages.
Updated UPDATE LOG with new header and graphical pieces.
06/16/10: Added the TREASURES section - ("Articles & Artifacts").
We've seen, written about and/or collected a number of
items, objects, stories and notes about Cirque du Soleil
in our tenure. Treasures explores those knick-knacks and
attemps to display these items in some kind of organized
There's The Cirque Connection, a repository of articles,
reviews, and/or exposé's connected with the organization;
Le Spectateur, a trove of notes featuring Cirque du Soleil
in the world environs; Artifacts, a quirky list of things
(either electronic or otherwise) found in our dusty
archives; and From the Boutique, pieces and summaries
about items once created for and sold over the years.
06/16/10: Released CIRQUEFAQ v3.6.0
- Added UPC/EIN Numbers (DVD)
- Added ISBN Numbers (DVD)
- Added basic VIVA ELVIS info
- Added basic TOTEM info
- Added ZED CD info & listings
- Added OVO CD info & listings
- Added 25 Years of Costume Book
- Changed 2.12 to address Online Outreach
07/01/10: Added the EVENTS section - ("Beyond the Bigtop").
Over the years Cirque du Soleil has reached Beyond the
Bigtop, producing special event performances for a wide
variety of audiences and venues.EVENTS aims to discover
these special Cirque du Soleil outings - whether through
shows for corporate meetings, televised specials, private
VIP performances or rare public appearances - and share
what is known of these very special creations.
As such we've split what we've been able to find into two
pages. Page 1 contains special events from 1995 through
2006 and Page 2 contains those from 2007 though 2010.
However, due to the very nature of some of these "special"
productions, our listing may not be comprehensive.
08/01/10: Added Daniel Lamarre's interview from Fascination.
09/14/10: Added place on the Creations page for RADIO CITY.
Details will be added once avaialble.
09/15/10: Released CIRQUEFAQ v3.7.0
- Facebook links for MJ, Shpeel, Wintuk, Elvis
- Added Dralion to Arena list
- Updated Arena Show Tours
- Added TOTEM Acts listing
- Updated LA NOUBA acts
- Added BANANA SHPEEL acts
- Added VIVA ELVIS CD info
- Added 2010 Calendar
09/22/10: Added place on the Creations page for IRIS, the Kodak
2011 Show. Details forthcoming.
09/23/10: Re-arranged CREATIONS page into TOURING, RESIDENT
VENUE and OTHER. Removed wintuk and Shpeel from
Resident and placed under Venue. Added Radio City
and IRIS under Venue.
10/05/10: Added songs to ZED acts in its Expérience section.
10/06/10: Added songs to ZAIA acts in its Expérience section.
10/09/10: Added songs to TOTEM acts in its Expérience section.
10/10/10: Updated SALTIMBANCO section to include updates pertaining
to the ongoing arena tour. This also included tweaking
the Characters page and thumbnails.
10/11/10: Tweaked BELIEVE section to remove 'coming soon'
text under Experience, removing Experience totally and
tweaking the front page to include the Conceptors. May
move "about" and "conceptors" from the main page into
menu links. TBD.
10/12/10: Tweaked LOVE section to remove individual
'acts' and replaced it with one link "experience", which
coveres all the musical numbers in the show.
10/13/10: Updated DRALION section to include updates pertaining
to the upcoming arena tour. Also tweaked characters
page & thumbnails, and some thumbs for acts (juggling,
Tissue, and Dralions).
10/16/10: Added ZED in Tokyo DVD to Telemajik
10/17/10: Added TOTEM CD to Musique
10/18/10: Added Viva Elvis CD to Musique
10/19/10: Added two articles to SPECIALS category.
"Who Has What it Takes" and
"Secrets of the 'O' Curtain"
10/20/10: Added two articles to TREASURES category.
"People are Amazing Creatures" and
"Zumanity Bears All in Playboy"
10/21/10: Added one article to SPECIALS category.
"Cirque du Soleil... Wallpaper?"
10/22/10: Added one article to TREASURES category.
"Performance: Cirque and Infinity"
10/31/10: Released CIRQUEFAQ v3.7.1
- Updated listings for IRIS, Radio City
- Updated Composer listing
- Added TOTEM CD to Musique listing
- Added ZED Documentary to Telemagik listing
12/5/10: Overhauled MUSIQUE section.
Updated entire music listings to confine with current
Cirque du Soleil Musique catalog. Re-arranged entire
CDs into three "new" categories: "Current Catalog",
"Other Music" and "Promotional Materials".
In "Current Catalog" all current 34 Cirque identified
CDs are represented (CDSMC-10001, Cirque du Soleil to
CDSMC-10034, Totem) and everything else in between.
There are some surprises in store there - some albums
I thought were not included in the new CDSM catalogue!
In "Other Music" find Journey of Man, LOVE and VIVA
ELVIS CD releases (they're Cirque shows but not Cirque
music releases!), as well as previously released
material no longer on the catalog, such as: Fanfafonie
45 and Cirque du Soleil Volume 1 (from 1988). You'll
also find the two LIVE employee edition CDs: Saltimbanco
Live in Amsterdam and Alegria Live in Fairfax.
In "Promotional Materials" you'll find updated info
on any promotional CD Single releases, the Delirium
Vinyl mixes, rare "white label" packages, and other
miscellaneous promotionals (such as the Varekai pre-
programme sample CD and the Zumanity pre-programme
sample CD), and more!
Each CD listing now comes complete with a track-to-act
listing (linking back to the appropriate CREATIONS
page, complete album linear notes, and a review of
the CD if applicable.
Check out the updated MUSIQUE section here!
{ Return to Top }

01/25/11: Added Cover image of BELIEVE CD to Musique.
01/27/11: Added two Interviews to the INTERVIEWS section, they are:
Jerry Nadal, SVP Resident Show Division
Bob & Bill, Album Producers
02/15/11: Updated INTERVIEWS section with different presentation.
03/29/11: Added an Interviews to the INTERVIEWS section, it is:
Erich Van Tourneau, Musical Director
for Viva Elvis!
05/09/11: Added an Interview to the INTERVIEWS section, it is:
Benoit Jutras, Composer
06/09/11: Updated Show index pages for Saltimbanco, Alegria, Quidam,
Dralion and Varekai. This Update combined the "Creators"
page with the show's front page and added a small "Audio/
Visual" header to link to the CDs, DVDs and Books associated
with the show. Another part of this update was a retooling
of the ITINERARIE sections to help with organizing the tour
schedules, as the tours for these shows have become more
unwieldly over the years.
07/20/11: Completed the initial Experience pages for ZARKANA
section. Also included is the Personages page.
10/15/11: Continue to tweak the show index pages for most of the
shows to determine the best way to show the CREATORS and
AUDIO/VISUAL stuff. A number of different versions are
currently out there; a final version should be on the way
11/05/11: Tweaked the BANANA SHPEEL page to remove links to the acts
(there was never any official press document describing
the acts beyond the initial press release), and changed up
the front poster (to the latest version before the show
closed), and added some IMAGES of the show to a separate
Fixed the LA NOUBA pages, which had a design error. This
created a rendering problem across all browsers.
Added BELIEVE CD info.
Added IRIS CD info.
Added MJ Immortal (single) CD info.
Added MJ Immortal (Deluxe) CD info.
Added ZAIA: Crossroads in Macau DVD info.
Added an Interview to the INTERVIEWS section, it is:
Mark Ward - Dancer, Character (John)
11/09/11: Updated the Itinerary's for SALTIMBANCO, ALEGRIA and
QUIDAM. Both current and historical dates.
Also tweaked the acts pages with new "Song" and "Images"
banners that changes up the look there, for
11/10/11: Tweaked the acts pages with the new "Song" and "Images"
banners for CORTEO and VAREKAI.
Added CD Review of BELIEVE CD to BELIEVE's Musique page.
11/11/11: Added the MJ IMMORTAL page to Creations.
11/12/11: Added the IRIS page to Creations.
11/13/11: A lot of little tweaks, too numerous to mention.
{ Return to Top }

01/01/12: Updated CirqueFAQ to v3.8.0; New in 3.8.0:
- Removed 3B.11 (Dubai 2012) and 3B.12 (Future Shows)
- In Shows, added info for Zarkana, IRIS and MJ Immortal
- In Shows, updated Show/Tour Locations
- In Shows, Updated Alegria, Quidam & Dralion for Arena
- In Music, added CD info for Totem, Elvis, IRIS and MJ
- In Music, updated the Composers listing
- In Video, added ZED in Tokyo + Crossroads to Macao
02/15/12: Updated CirqueFAQ to v3.8.1; New in 3.8.1:
- In Shows, Updated info on AMALUNA
- In Shows, Updated ZAIA w/Closing
- In Shows, Updated Mystere w/ New Acts
- In Social, Updated Twitter Links
- In Social, Updated Facebook Links
- In Social, Added Google+ Links
- In Music, Added MJ Immortal Album Run Times
- Updated Copyright Statement/Date
03/01/12: Updated CirqueFAQ to v3.8.2; New in 3.8.2:
- Split Album Particulars into Company Distributions
-- Naga (1985 - 1990)
-- RCA/Victor (1992 - 2000)
-- BMG Cirque Musique (2002 - 2003)
-- CDS Musique (2004+)
-- Other Albums
- Compacted Catalog #, Release Date, Title & Run Times
- Added Cirque History Overview (Odyssea)
03/25/12: There's a bunch of updates going on behind the scenes
that are making it to live status, which is resulting
in a number of broken links - these are known. Many of
these links (such as "Background" and "Didyaknow" from
the CREATIONS sections) will be filling in soon.
What I'm doing is implimenting a minor new style to
each of the show's index pages, adding in links to
Features (Interviews) we've done, Audio/Visual (CDs
DVDs and Books about that show) and also placing the
Creative Team list on the front page.
Next will come a new "Music/Fotos" Box on each of the
acts - some of them have this already - which link
back to the CD the song is on, if it is at all. This
also removes the "Position" tag as it is unnecessary.
Then I'll begin filling in missing information and/or
updating shows that need it, such as Zaia, Viva Elvis,
and more. The goal is to have a completely updated
Le Grand Chapiteau by the start of summer, if not
So there are six steps, or categories, as part of
this update, they are:
- Update 1: New Menu Options/Links
- Update 2: New Music/Pics Box/Tag (in acts)
- Update 3: DidyaKnow? Texts (where applicable)
- Update 4: Background Texts (where applicable)
- Update 5: Visuals History (where applicable)
- Update 6: Clean-Ups from 1 through 5.
Many of the above are also split into A (Touring),
B (Resident) and C (Venue) passes, or waives.
04/01/12: Completed Update Category 1 | New Menu Options
to Saltimbanco, Alegria, Quidam, Dralion,
Varekai, Corteo, OVO, Totem, Amaluna, Mystere,
"O", La Nouba, Zumanity, KA, Love, Zaia, Believe,
ZED, Viva Elvis, Wintuk, Banana Shpeel, Zarkana,
IRIS and MJ Immortal.
04/16/12: Completed Update Category 2 | New Music/Pics Box (for Acts)
to Nouvelle Experience, Saltimbanco, Alegria, Quidam,
Mystere, "O", La Nouba, Zumanity, Ka, Zaia, Wintuk,
IRIS, Zarkana, Delirium, Grand Tour, Magie and
Cirque Reinvente. Shows not mentioned either have
no "Experience Section" or were previously test
04/25/12: Completed Update Category 3 | DidYaKnow?
Links to Saltimbanco, Alegria, Quidam, Dralion,
Varekai, Corteo, OVO, Totem, Mystere, "O",
La Nouba, Zumanity, KA, LOVE, Wintuk and IRIS.
Shows not mentioned do not have a DidYaKnow
section (although they might currently have
links to one - these links will be removed in
Update 6)
04/26/12: Added "Background Texts" (Update Category 4) for
Saltimbanco, Dralion, Varekai, Corteo, Koozå, OVO
and Totem. Quidam and Alegría from TOURING coming
in future installment.
05/01/12: A Couple of good updates today...
1) Updated CirqueFAQ to v3.8.3; New in 3.8.3:
- What is the "Poem of Zoë"? (Quidam)
- What is the "Poem of Joe"? (Quidam)
- How Big is Alice the Snail? (Mystere)
- What does "I am Legion" mean? (Saltimbanco)
- What is "Scream, Run, Invent" about? (Alegría)
- How is the name of a Cirque show chosen?
- Added Amaluna Acts List
- Updated Cirque Tribune's Status as a Community
2) Added "Background Texts" for Zumanity, KA, LOVE,
ZED, Zaia, Believe, and Viva Elvis.
05/02/12: Added "Visual History" (Update Category 5) pages to
Saltimbanco, Dralion, Varekai, Corteo, OVO,
Totem, Zumanity, KA, and Zaia. More to come!
05/03/12: Added "Visual History" (Update Category 5) pages to
Kooza, LOVE, Believe, Viva Elvis, Alegria, Quidam,
Amaluna, Mystere, "O" and La Nouba.
Begun fleshing out the AMALUNA section by adding
Itinerary and Character pages (no pix on
characters yet), as well as the full show
Experience text (acts descriptions only, no
pictures as yet). Pix coming soon!
05/08/12: Added "Background Texts" (Update Category 4) pages to
Delirium, Wintuk, Banana Shpeel, Zarkana, IRIS,
and MJ Immortal. This concludes Update Category
4 at this time (there are still backgrounds to
be written for Mystere, Alegria, Quidam, "O"
and La Nouba. These will follow in a later
05/10/12: Added "Visual History" (Update Category 5) pages to
Delirium, Banana Shpeel, Zarkana, IRIS, and
MJ Immortal, completing this update category.
05/20/12: Added Aerial Silk and Flying Trapeze acts w/pics to
the Mystere Experience pages.
Updated Historia with quick 2010, 2011 and 2012 info.
05/21/12: Added pictures to AMALUNA's Experience (acts) and
Characters pages.
09/08/12: Completed Update Category 6, which was removing
old links and cleaning up menu options from the
1-5 Updates.
Updated Delirium and BELIEVE's menu structure.
Updated Delirium visuals to include cinema poster.
Updated Acts list for IRIS, removing Hand-to-Hand and
Hand Balancing from active to retired.
Updated Saltimbanco's active years from 1992+ to
1992-2012 to reflect the show's closing later
this year.
Moved IRIS, ZARKANA to Resident Show menu.
Added World's Away logo to Other Shows menu (pages
coming soon).
09/09/12: Updated IRIS Experience pages to include pictures
with the acts.
Added IRIS Characters page w/pictures.
10/01/12: Updated CirqueFAQ to v3.8.4; New in 3.8.4:
- Updated dates on Saltimbanco's Closing
- Added Creative Team Listing (3.12)
- Added Movi.Kanti.Revo (3.13)
- Added World's Away 3D Entry (3D.4)
- Added "Cirque Spotlight" to Communities (8.4)
10/02/12: Updated VIVA ELVIS pages
- Added Pictures to Experience
- Re-did headers for Music, Sets and Costumes
10/06/12: Tweaked VIVA ELVIS pages
- Moved 2 pictures from Experience to Music
- Tweaked Experience pictures
- Tweaked the Set Design text, added pix
Updated ZED pages
- Added pictures to Experience/Acts
- Added pictures to Scénographie page
- Tweaked Text/Added pix to DidYaKnow?
- Added both posters to Background
Fixed Character page for AMALUNA
Added Character pics to Kooza's Personages page
Added Character pics to Corteo's Personages page
Tweaked Varekai's Personages page
Tweaked BELIEVE's front page, updated creators list
and removed Personages link.
10/08/12: Completely outfitted the ZAIA section with updated
acts list for Experience at the time of its
closing, added pictures to those acts, added
pictures to the characters page, added new
Creators page (w/head shots), added pictures
to the Theater page, and more.
Also added character pictures to "O"'s Characters page.
10/09/12: Updated character pages for: Saltimbanco, Mystere, Alegria,
Quidam and Dralion. Tweaked character descriptions,
added some new pictures.
Also updated WINTUK pages by adding in PowerTrack act
(finally) and tweaking the descriptions of some
acts. Will add more pictures shortly.
10/12/12: Worked on LOVE section behind the scenes. Should be
completed shortly.
10/13/12: Finished LOVE section redux. Now online! A new EXPERIENCE
page w/pictures awaits, plus a few new images for
Added original teaser visual to VIVA ELVIS BACKGROUND
/ VISUAL page.
Updated BANANA SHPEEL's section to include BACKGROUND,
VISUALS and a slightly better EXPERIENCE page.
Also added info for Costumes and Set/Props via
old Cirque Press Materials.
EXPERIENCE, and GRAND TOUR. Updated front page
visual/navigation to correspond to all other pages.
10/14/12: Completed ZARKANA section redux. Now online! The pages for
EXPERIENCE are now populated with pictures. The
BACKGROUND/VISUALS page is now online and images
adorn the CHARACTERS page.
10/15/12: Completed MJ IMMORTAL section redux. Now online! The pages
for EXPERIENCE are now populated with pictures. The
BACKGROUND/VISUALS page is now online.
10/16/12: Added pictures to WINTUK's experience and character pages.
Fixed MYSTERE character page (Stas was missing).
Fixed missing Theater link on ALEGRIA Index Page.
Tweaked MJ IMMORTAL Creators list.
11/09/12: Add Believe 1.0 Info to Background
Addded DidYaKnow? to Delirium (Costumes, Set, etc.)
Update Musique with Le Best of 2, Amaluna CDs
{ Return to Top }

02/28/13: Released CirqueFAQ v3.9.0; New in 3.9.0:
- Noted Saltimbanco / IRIS Closing
- Added World's Away DVD/Bluray
- Why did that show close? (3.14)
06/16/13: Happy 14th Anniversary to Le Grand Chapiteau!
06/24/13: Updated Alegria's closing date.
Added Amaluna Audio CD to Amaluna Page
Added 2 Interviews to Amaluna Page
06/25/13: Gave the JOURNEY OF MAN page some TLC. Added a bunch of
new pix and updated layout to match other pages.
07/01/13: Released CirqueFAQ 3.9.1; New in 3.9.1:
- Added MJ Las Vegas Announcement (3B.11)
- Noted Alegria Closing / Varekai to Arena
- Added One Night for One Drop (3D.5)
- Added more on Worlds Away (3D.4.3)
12/14/13: Some miscellanous updates...
- Updated Amaluna's Acts Pages w/Music
- Moved Cycles and Tightrope to Retire (Amaluna)
- Corrected OVO's Creative Team List
- Fixed IRIS CD Url on Musique Page
- Added ZARKANA CD to Musique Page (w/tracks)
- Fixed Delirium Vinyl Cover Images (bad link)
- Added Acts-to-Music list on IRIS CD Page
- Added Fan Transliterated lyrics (thanks Gabriel Henry)
to O - "Tzelma", and Saltimbanco - "Rave Out"
- Moved Perches to Retire (Totem)
- Fixed TOTEM's Creative Team List
- Updated Alegria's closing date (to 12/29)
- Updated ITINERARIE for: Amaluna, Totem, Ovo,
Kooza, Corteo and Varekai. Will update
Dralion, Quidam, Alegria and Saltimbanco at
a later date.
- Added icons for MJ One and Worlds Away to Creations
12/15/13: Added HATCHING and WORLDS AWAY to Telemagik
Added Worlds Away Page (text, few images) - more to come
Updated Varekai Index Page to account for Arena Tour
Updated Varekai Acts List / Arena Tour
12/31/13: Added AMALUNA DVD to Telemagik section
Updated most DVD thumbnails on Telemagik Index Page
{ Return to Top }

01/07/14: Added MJ ONE Page w/Scenes & DidYaKnow
02/23/14: Corrected the Premiere dates on ZUMANITY's pages
(had O's by mistake)
Corrected the Creators List on KA's pages
(had BELIEVE by mistake)
03/28/14: Just a few graphical tweaks to the Creations page...
New logos for: Alegria, Varekai, MJ Immortal, Fire Within
and Solstrom.
Added Logo for KURIOS, no page yet
Removed Venue Shows Category...
Re-integrated Delirium & Immortal to Tours
Re-integrated Banana & Wintuk to Resident
04/01/14: Updated the CirqueFAQ to v3.9.3
- Added KURIOS Information
- Added "Riviera Maya" Information
- Updated ONE NIGHT FOR ONE DROP 2013/2014/2015
04/03/14: Added temp KURIOS Page with whatever info available.
04/05/14: Added temp RIVIERA MAYA page with whatever info available.
04/13/14: Tinkered with the Lyrics page a bit.
Updated MUSIQUE FAQ page
Updated AMALUNA page to add DVD
Added Current Varekai Poster to Visuals
Added to KURIOS Page (Characters / Tour)
Added Andrew Levey (Social Media) Interview to INTERVIEWS
04/14/14: Added TOTEM and KA to LYRICS:
- Qué Viyéra, Pageant, Forest
04/18/14: Added Liner Notes to LE BEST OF 2 and AMALUNA CDs.
Added Eric Chalifour (Site Analyst) Interview to INTERVIEWS
Added Bill Rosemann & Marie-Hélène Gagnon (KÀmic Book)
Interview to INTERVIEWS
05/01/14: Updated the CirqueFAQ to v3.9.4
05/08/14: Renamed "Rivera Maya" to JOYÀ and tweaked page.
Added JOYÀ Logo to Creations Page
Updated KURIOS page with new thematical
text, updated Characters info, re-arranged
Creative Team list and added two video links
Added DELIRIUM to Télémagik Page, as it is commercially
available through Cirque, just digitally.
Changed Saltimbanco CD thumb, Mystere CD Cover in Musique.
05/13/14: Updated Itineraries for Saltimbanco, Alegría, Quidam,
Dralion and Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour.
Added Liner Notes to IRIS CD.
06/09/14: Updated KURIOS page, adding Experience section texts
(official & fan sketch). Pictures coming soon.
Updated Banner on FASCINATION front page.
Updated the SITE INFO page.
Updated SHOW FAQ Page.
06/12/14: Updated KURIOS page Experience section w/pictures.
12/12/14: Added KURIOS CD to MUSIQUE page.
Added Music Tracks to KURIOS Experience pages.
Updated MJ IMMORTAL's Date to show closing.
Updated DRALION's Date to show closing.
12/17/14: Updated La Nouba Section:
- Added Background Text to Background Page
- Updated Theater Page Text, Added Pix
- Updated Character Page w/Text, Format, Pix
- Moved Jongleur act to Retire
- Added Rola Bola act to Active
- Added/Changed some Act Pics
- Changed format/banner on La Nouba Index Page
12/18/14: Updated Saltimbanco Section:
- Modified Saltimbanco Index Page format (Creative Team)
- Moved Duo Trapeze, Artistic Bicycle to Retire
- Moved Balancing on Canes to Experience
- Moved Solo Trapeze to active Experience
- Added Aerial Straps as Reserve act
12/19/14: Updated Alegria Section:
- Modified Alegria Index Page Format (Creative Team)
- Moved Aerial Cube, Juggling from Reserve to Retire
- Moved Handblancing from Retire to Active
- Moved Strong Man from Active to Retire
- Added a couple of pix
- Updated ALEGRIA album music track links
12/20/14: Updated Totem Section:
- Slightly modified Index Page Format
- Added Handbalancing to Active Experience w/pix
- Added Hand-to-Hand to Reserve w/pix
- Updated TOTEM album music track links
12/21/14: Updated Dralion Section:
- Slightly modifed Index Page format
- Moved Spirits from Active to Retire
- Moved Balancing on Chairs from Reserve to Retire
- Moved Diabolo from Reserve to Active, added pix
- Added Crossed Cyr Wheel Act to Active, w/pix
- Moved Medusa from Active to Reserve, w/pix
- Added Contortion and Aerial Straps to Reserve, w/pix
12/22/14: Updated KURIOS Section:
- Added Diabolo to Active acts
- Added Handbalancing on Canes to Reserve acts
- Slightly modified Characters page
Updated ZARKANA Section:
- Slightly modified Index Page format
- Moved Rope Duet from Active to Retired
- Added Aerial Straps w/pix
- Updated Official Description of Each Act
- Added Music Tracks to Experience pages
- Updated Characters Page
- Added New Poster Images
For updates from 12/17-12/22, thanks goes out to Propel_Pierrot,
a great Cirque fan from CirqueSpotlight, who was kind enough to
point out all these things I needed to update! :)
12/23/14: Updated CORTEO Page (Added new Banner, moved Creators)
Updated VAREKAI page slighly (Essentials Box)
Updated KOOZA page slightly (moved Creators)
Updated AMALUNA page slightly (moved Creators)
Updated QUIDAM index page (new text, moved Creators & Audio)
Added Background Texts to QUIDAM, ALEGRIA, MYSTERE and "O".
Re-vamped JOYÀ section, adding text for Theater/Set & Stage,
Costumes, Personages, and more w/pix.
12/24/14: Added Trapeze Duplex to Alegria Retired acts.
Added Cyr Wheel to KOOZA Reserve acts.
Added Handbalancing to ZAIA Reserve acts.
Added Hoops (Lev) to ZAIA Retired acts.
Added Hoops and Static Trapeze to AMALUNA Reserve acts.
Added GAIA and BACKSTAGE books to LIVRES/Books section.
Updated Quidam Section:
- Moved Diabolos to Retired, added Diabolo (Solo)
- Moved Cloud Swing to Retired
- Added Trapeze Duplex and Cyr Wheel to Retired
For today's updates, thanks again goes out to Propel_Pierrot,
a great Cirque fan from CirqueSpotlight, who was kind enough to
point out all these things I needed to update again... :)
{ Return to Top }

01/01/15: Updated CirqueFAQ to v3.9.5:
- Full Redux of Section 7 - Disciplines
- Added information about JOYA
- Added 4.13.6 = Cloud/Solo Crutches Song
- Added "The Chapiteau" to Communities
- Added "Hardcore Cirque Fans" Group Info
- Added KURIOS Album Info / Tracks
- Added Gaia, Backstage to Books
01/06/15: Added to the LYRICS page
- Added "Patzivota" and "Gitans" Lyrics to Varekai
- Added "Terre Aride" Lyrics to "O"
- Added "L'Innocent" and "Junoon" Lyrics to Kooza
- Restored Zumanity Lyrics (10 songs)
- Added "Elements" ("Madhijerio") Lyrics to Dralion
- Added "Carousel" Lyrics to Quidam
- Added "All Come Together", "Hope" and "Run" to
- Added "Birth of the Sky", "Mirror of Two Worlds",
and "The Worlds Meet" Lyrics to ZED
- Added "Onta" and "Kunda Taye" Lyrics to Totem
01/09/15: Updated HISTORIA pages.
Added 2014, Updated 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010.
01/10/15: Added to the LYRICS page
- Added "Liama", "Queens" and "Propel" to La Nouba
- Added "Kazé" and "Rideau" to Saltimbanco
- Added "Sans Toi" to Delirium
- Added "Noï", "Caelestis" and "Ignis" to ZAIA
- Added "Zawraq (Trapeze)" and "Straps" to Zarkana
- Added "Handbalancing" to Quidam
- Added "Building" and "High Wire" to Solstrom
- Added "Fire Dance" to Les Chemins Invisibles
For today's updates, thanks again goes out to Propel
Pierrot, a great Cirque fan from CirqueSpotlight, who
was kind enough to provide the lyrics for this update!
01/11/15: Updated the Special Events Listing - EVENTS.
Page 1 (1995-2006), Page 2 (2007-2009), Page 3 (2010-2012)
and Page 4 (2013-2014). Most of the items listed on Pages 3
and 4 are place-holders. I plan to add more details to some
of these special & corporate events in the near future.
01/12/15: Continuing to work with the Special Events pages, moving
things and upgrading certain events to the Creations page,
such as 400 Ans show, One Night for One Drop, Les Chemins
Invisibles, and similar outings. Some links may not work
while I work through what I'm trying to do.
01/13/15: Work continues on the EVENTS for both the Special Events
listings and those NOTABLE events and other PROJECTS to
be found on the CREATIONS page, such as: Creactive, the
Theme Park, Safewalls, etc. More to come.
01/14/15: Put aside the EVENTS stuff for work on the LIVRES
section. Split the books into three sections: Offical Books,
Related Publications, and Other Notable Releases. Added
three books to Related (Guy Laliberte's Fabulous Journey,
AS ONE, and Flying Without a Net). I also added a place
holder for the 1996 Calendar, KA Coloring Book, KAmic
Book and ZED Unofficial (Fan) Graphic Novel, which will be
up soon.
01/19/15: Back to EVENTS with an updated Special Events Listing
Page 1 (1995-2006), Page 2 (2007-2009), Page 3 (2010-2014).
As well as a completed new section for the CREATIONS page,
as noted on 1/13/2015. As of this update, there are 17
"Noted Special Events and Projects" to choose from:
KNIE, Oscars (2002 & 2012), Soleil de Minuit, Bar at the
Edge of the Earth, 400Ans Quebec, Jukari, Aqua, Les Chemins
Invisibles, Poetic Social Mission, Dream Weavers, Safewalls,
Movi-Kanti-Revo, SCALADA, One Night for One Drop, Le Grand
Concert, CREACTIVE, and the upcoming Cirque du Soleil
Theme Park.
You'll also find another icon for "Other Events and
Appearances", which leads to the above "Special Events"
three-page listing. Additions and possible changes to come!
01/22/15: Updated the Index Pages / Creators List for:
Zumanity, KA, Wintuk, Believe, ZED,
Banana Shpeel, Viva Elvis, IRIS, MJ One,
and MJ Immortal.
01/23/15: Continued tweaking the Events and Appearances list...
- Added text/pix to "Warrior's Path" - McLaren Racing Event
- Added text/pix to "Reflections in Blue" Event
Also gave the SOLSTROM pages some TLC & Additions
01/24/15: Updated Tour Itineraries for: Corteo, Kooza, OVO, TOTEM,
MJ Immortal, Amaluna, KURIOS, Quidam,
Dralion, and Varekai.
01/25/15: Fixed Varekai's Baton's Act-in-Rotation Page (it was missing)
Fixed Varekai's Pas-de-Deux Act Page (Format Error)
Fixed Infiniti Logo on Appearances Pages
01/26/15: Added Revies & Excerpts to the following Books: The Spark,
Varekai by Veronique Vial, Parade of Colors,
La création d'un spectacle Saltimbanco
Dans les coulisses du Cirque du Soleil,
Guy Laliberté: The Fabulous Story, and
As One: Individual Action, Collective Power.
01/27/15: Continued tweaking the "Events/Appearances" Listings.
Fixed a display error in the new SOLSTROM pages.
01/28/15: Added pages to Cirque Week 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013 under the
Appearances & Events listings (page 3).
Moved Zumanity Costume Sketches from Treasure/Artifacts to
Zumanity's DidyaKnow Page.
02/15/15: The Events & Appearances pages are "complete" for now.
03/14/15: Thanks to Ignacio Cesar for lyrics to Zaia's "Aestus Calor"
and the spoken piece to Mystere's "Misha"!
03/16/15: Thanks again to Ignacio Cesar for lyrics to Zaia's
"Hatahkinn" and "Blue Ales"
03/22/15: Finished tweaking the MUSIQUE album pages.
Introduced a slightly new format to "compress" the
information offered per album in order to minimize
white-space and to focus the information on the
product itself, rather than the music within. And
second, to prepare for an expansion with regards to
show music for each show in CREATIONS later this
- Updated Album Particulars where applicable.
- Added new Varekai CD Cover and Particulars.
- Added KURIOS CD Liner Notes.
- Added cover to Saltimbanco Brazil Promo
- Added Saltimbanco Nouveau 2005 CD Promo
03/23/15: Tweaked the code on the LYRICS pages.
03/27/15: Began updating the TELEMAGIK section with changes
to the 12 "Shows" titles. More to come.
04/24/15: Thanks once again to Ignacio Cesar for lyrics to O's
"Svecounia" and Zarkana's "Antila"
04/27/15: Updated VAREKAI page:
- Added Solo Trapeze to Active Experience w/pix
- Added Synchro Tumbling to Active Experience
- Moved Icarian Games to Retired
- Moved Hoops to Retired
- Fixed Varekai CD Image on Index Page
04/28/15: Added Fabrice Lamiere (Varekai Arena Artistic Director)
Interview to INTERVIEWS
Added "Eridanus" lyrics to Zarkana thanks to Ignacio Cesar!
05/01/15: Added a TORUK - The First Flight page.
It contains information from the press release,
the Creative Team list, available tour stops
(Itinéraire), and a Gallery where the Teaser
Video and Photos are shown. More to come as
information becomes avaialble.
Added "Reaching Up" lyrics to ZED thanks to Ignacio Cesar!
Added Le Grand Concert and MJ Immortal documentary
to Télémajik section.
05/04/15: Added Liner Notes to BELIEVE CD.
Updated descriptive text to "O" at Bellagio Book.
05/26/15: Added Liner Notes to ZARKANA CD.
Updated Zarkana CD Info from CDSMC-10047 to CDSMC-10049
Added "Koudamaré" Lyrics to KÀ thanks to Ignacio.
06/08/15: Added "Cerceaux" to Alegria, "Bridge of Sorrow" to
Delirium, and "Wind" Lyrics to Zumanity
thanks to Propel_Pierrot!
Added "Koumayá" Lyrics to Totem thanks to Ignacio Cesar!
Updated Acts w/Songs to Saltimbanco, Corteo, and Zarkana
(Thanks to Propel_Pierrot)
06/10/15: Working on updating the layout of the Itineraire pages for
each show. So far, Saltimbanco, Alegria, Quidam,
Dralion, Varekai, Corteo and Delirium have been
re-worked, but more tweaks are coming. I really like the
layout Wikipedia uses for this information, and since
information flows from here to there on occasions I
figured... why not the other way? :) It's not a direct
lift - I've tweaked it some - but the similarities in
design are apparent. The Quidam and Corteo Itinerary
pages are how I'd like the rest to appear when finished
- with an intro, a milestones table, the improved tour
listings, and the visuals (moved from Background, as it
made more sense for them to be displayed here - they're
tour posters after all!)
06/11/15: Added "Blue Silk" to ZED thanks to Ignacio Cesar!
06/18/15: Finished work on updates to Touring Show pages as
detailed on 6/10/15. In addition to reworking Itineraire
pages, I also reworked DidYaKnow into Costumes and Set
& Stage, and added a page for Music (this is separate
from the CD Listings in Musique), which features the
vocalists and songs as heard in the show. Removed some
of the Backgrounds (if they weren't interesting) and
will re-work the remaining as Évolution (particularly
for Saltimbanco, Alegria, and Quidam.)
06/23/15: Added "Elma Om Mi Lize" and "O Ma Ley" Lyrics to AMALUNA
thanks to Ignacio Cesar!
06/25/15: Finished up the TELEMAGIK updates I began in March.
06/26/15: Added songs to CORTEO's music page
Reworked the CORTEO Experience pages
- New Acts (Retired/Reserve)
- Costumes, Set & Stage, Music/Vocalists
- New Pictures
Removed TREASURES area from site.
Reworked DELIRIUM pages.
06/27/15: Reworked MYSTERE pages.
- Costumes/Personages, Theater, Music/Vocalists
- Added lots of new pictures to theater.
Reworked IRIS pages.
06/28/15: Reworked "O" and ZAIA pages:
- Costumes/Personages, Theater, Music/Vocalists
06/29/15: Reworked LA NOUBA and ZED pages:
- Costumes/Personages, Theater, Music/Vocalists
06/30/15: Reworked ZUMANITY pages.
- Brought Zumanity to 2015's version
- Added lots of new pictures to acts and theater.
Reworked WINTUK pages.
- Costumes/Personages, Theater, Music/Vocalists
07/01/15: Added "O Makundé" lyrics to KA thanks to Ignacio Cesar!
Reworked BANANA SHPEEL pages.
- Added Costumes/Personages, Theater, Music pages
- Put Itinerary on Main Page, removed separate page.
07/02/15: Reworked KA and ZARKANA pages.
Updated the JOYA and MJ ONE pages.
Added new Poster images to Quidam and KA.
07/03/15: Updated DRALION, VAREKAI, and CORTEO pages:
- Added Pics to Set & Stage Page
- Re-did Pictures in Experience/Acts
- Moved Costumes text to Personnages
07/04/15: Tweaked OVO's pages:
- Moved Costumes text to Personnages, added Pix
- Added Pix to Set & Stage Page
- Added more Pix to Experience/Acts
07/05/15: Tweaked Corteo, Kooza, Zumanity and KA's music listings.
Added "Roses" to to ZUMANITY thanks to Propel_Pierrot!
07/06/15: Quality Control thanks to A1Federation!:
- Added "Azimut" to Nouvelle Trapeze Volant act
- Fixed "Irna" typo on Alegria Music Page
- Fixed "Kazé" typo on Saltimbanco Music Page
- Fixed Saltimbanco Solo/Duo Trapeze Pictures
- Fixed Alegria Cyr Wheel Picture
- Added live names to Quidam, Dralion, Varekai, Corteo,
Kooza, Totem, Amaluna, Mystere, O, La Nouba, KA,
ZED, and Zumanity.
- Added "11h11", "Steampunk Telegram" and "You Must Be
Joking" lyrics to KURIOS lyrics.
- Added Liner Notes to ALEGRIA LIVE CD.
- Fixed problems with Zarkana's pages
07/09/15: Updated KA's Pages:
- Added Pix to Acts/Experience
- Added Pix to Personages/Characters
- Added Pix to Le Theater (Lobby, Theater & Deck)
07/10/15: Updated ZARKANA's Pages:
- Pix to Acts/Experience Redux
Updated TOTEM's pages:
- Moved Characters Text to Personages
- Added Costumes Pix to Personages
- Updated Set & Stage, added Pix
Updated KOOZA's Pages:
- Moved Characters Text to Personages
- Added Costumes Pix to Personages
- Updated Set & Stage, added Pix
07/11/15: Updated ALEGRIA's Pages:
- Moved Characters Text to Personages
- Added Costume Pix to Personages
- Updated Set & Stage, added Pix
QUIDAM: Updated Set & Stage, added Pix
SALTIMBANCO: Moved Costumes Text to Personages
- Added Music / Set&Stage Pages
- Added Costumes Text to Personages
07/12/15: Added 3 Costume Sketches & 12 Costume Pix to Mystere
Added 2 Costume Sketches to Nouvelle
Added 4 Costume Sketches to Saltimbanco
Added 2 Costume Sketches to Alegria
Added 2 Costume Sketches to Quidam
Added Costume Skeches to Kurios
Added New Character Pix to Kurios
07/17/15: Fixed some errors on KOOZA's index page.
Tweaked DRALION's music text.
Updated SALTIMBANCO's Pages:
- Tweaked/Added Texts to: Costumes, Music Pages
- Set & Stage: Tweaked/Added Text, Added Pics
Tweaked KURIOS's Music & Index pages slightly
Reworked BANANA SHPEEL's Pages:
- Added Costume Sketches & Characters Pictures
- Added Theater Pictures to Le Theater Page
- Redid Experience, broke it into Individual Acts
- Added New/More Pictures to Acts
07/19/15: Tweaked Amaluna's Music, Characters Pages.
Added 5 more Costume Sketches to Alegria
Added 2 more Costume Sketches to Saltimbanco
Added 4 more Costume Sketches to Nouvelle Experience
Added 4 more Costume Sketches to Mystere
Added 5 Costume Sketches to Corteo
Added 4 Costume Sketches to La Nouba
Added 5 Costume Sketches to "O"
Added 5 Costume Sketches to ZAIA
07/20/15: FIRE WITHIN: Added Cast & Behind the Scenes texts
07/21/15: AMALUNA: Added Set & Stage Page, fixed Itinerary/Music Pages
REINVENTE: Added Music Page, Tweaked Experience Pages
MAGIE: Added Music Page, Tweaked Characters Page
ZARKANA: Added Le Theater Page & Pix
07/24/15: "O": Added Pix to Acts/Experience, Personages, & Le Theater
ZARKANA: Added Sketches to Charcters and Pix to Theater
07/27/15: QUIDAM: Expanded/Replaced Pics in Acts, Characters
07/30/15: QUIDAM: Updated Fan Sketch Text
MYSTERE: Replaced Pix in Acts/Experience
07/31/15: LA NOUBA: Expanded/Replaced Pix in Acts, Characters, Theater
TOTEM: Replaced/Added Pix in Acts/Experience
ALEGRIA: Replaced/Added Pix in Acts/Experience
08/02/15: Added "Kernoon's Fire" Lyrics to ZED thanks to Ignacio Cesar!
08/06/15: SALTIMBANCO: Replaced Pix in Acts/Experience, Characters
Updated the KAmic Book page in Livres
Added some Background Text to Dralion and Quidam DVDs
08/07/15: Updated O's Costume Text
Tweaked the Dralion & Quidam DVD text from yesterday
Reworked the ALEGRIA LE FILM Pages
08/09/15: Reworked the HISTORIA pages with lots of new text.
Added 2 New Costume Sketch pictures to Quidam
08/13/15: Updated info on Quidam, Dralion, Baroque Odyssey, and Varekai DVDs
(Audio/Video/Feature Information, where applicable)
Combined "Poetic Social Mission", "Aqua" and "One Night for
One Drop" into "ONE DROP" in the Noted Special Events and
Projects area of CREATIONS.
Created C:LAB under Noted Special Events and Projects area
for SPARKED and NEST. Will become area for all C:LAB based
experiments and projects.
Create 45 DEGREES under Noted Special Events and Projects,
which is a link to the EVENTS pages. The bigger Public
events, like Quebec 400 Ans, Le Chemins, Scalada, and the
30th Anniversary Concert will remain in this section,
rather than become listings in EVENTS. ALLAVITA and LE
MONDE EST FOU will join them there. The Pan-Am Games
Opening Ceremonies will be listed on Page 3 of 45 DEGREES.
08/14/15: Added a Q&A to KA Comic Book Page ("Case Study")
Added some Pictures to ONE DROP: AQUA
08/17/15: New Index Page Header
08/20/15: Fixed Music on Quidam's "Dans l'Air" and Music Pages
Fixed Music on Mystere's "Dei Ex Machina" and Music Pages
Added PARAMOUR Logo to Resident Shows on CREATIONS Page
Added a Movi-Kanti-Revo Poster to MKR Page
08/21/15: Added 4 costume pics to "Superbowl XLI" Event
Added 2 pictures to "Cirque 25" in Las Vegas Event
Added 38 pictures to "Awakening the Serpent" Event
Added 3 more pictures to the "Helpmann Awards" Event
Added Arabian Travel Market Event (2008) w/5 Pics
Added 18 Pics to "84th Academy Awards" Event
11/15/15: Updated Na'vi Transcription on the TORUK Page (Thanks Ignacio!)
Added "Pearl" to Kooza Lyrics (Thanks Ignacio!)
11/22/15: Added Kit Chatham and Raphael Beau Interviews to Interviews
11/23/15: Fixed Kurios Visual and Updated Itinerary
Added 8,000th Show to La Nouba Milestones
Added Luzia Logo and Teaser Page
Updated TOTEM with Contortion and Escalade acts
Moved TOTEM Devil Sticks to Retire, Diabolo to Experience
11/25/15: Updated the TORUK page with new intro text, refreshed
Itinerary Page, and Costumes/Characters page.
Added text to Amaluna, Kurios, OVO, Totem and Varekai's
Itineraire page
Updated Corteo's Itinerary Page. Added last show date.
11/27/15: Added "Gienah" to Zarkana Lyrics (Thanks Ignacio!)
11/29/15: Updated Quidam's Itinerary Page
12/10/15: Transformed the "Theme Park" Page with information and
pictures from the "The Celebrate Project – An Amazing
Destination!" article from Fascination!
Tweaked the "Le Grand Concert" Page to add DVD listing
and to change-up soloist career details area.
Similarly tweaked the "Midnight Sun" Page.
12/11/15: Updated "Poetic Social Mission Page" to include journal
series as published in Fascination.
Tweaked "Les Chemins" Pages into one.
Tweaked "Cirque Week" Pages into one.
Added some Theater pix to IRIS.
Tweaked Viva Elvis's Music, Costume & Set Pages
12/13/15: Added Logo and Page for Soda Stereo (Touring)
Added Page for Paramour (Resident)
12/17/15: Redid Scalada page - and added materials - in Projects.
Noted Zarkana's closing on Creations & Main Zarkana pages.
Redid Creactive page - and added materials - in Projects.
OVO: Retired Volants, Spanish Web. Added 2016 Arena Dates.
Tweaked Journey of Man page; added DVD to "Audio/Visual"
12/18/15: La Nouba: Retired "Jump Rope", added "Breakdance" to acts
Tweaked the pages in "Promotional Material" section of Musique
12/28/15: Updated Amaluna's vocalists (thanks NoaBoa66)
And fixed typos on Zumanity's vocalist list (Thanks Sean :) )
12/30/15: Added pictures and official description to Amaluna's
Icarian Games and Hoop Diving acts
Added Aerial Bamboo to La Nouba's acts (w/pics)
Added pics to La Nouba's B-Boy act
Updated Kooza's acts listing
Updated Corteo's Music / Vocalists
{ Return to Top }

01/01/16: Added TORUK and JOYA CD Info to MUSIQUE
(Temporary Covers, Track Listing only)
01/02/16: Added true TORUK CD Album Cover
01/03/16: Added Dralion Superbit DVD Cover
Tweaked TELEMAGIK Index Page slightly
01/10/16: Added "Dance on TV", "Hand-to-Hand". "Perfect Jam"
"Major-Minor", "Midnight Bath", "Rules of the House",
"Chains", and "Libera Me" lyrics to the Zumanity
lyrics section thanks to Séan White-Zareba!
01/13/16: Fixed an Error on the Dralion Music Page
01/15/16: Added true JOYA CD Album Cover
Added Liner Notes to JOYA CD
Added Liner Notes to TORUK CD
Tweaked TOTEM's Music Page
Added a Music Page to JOYA
01/18/16: Fixed a Typo on Delirium's Music Page
Fixed a Typo on Delirium's DVD Page - Thanks Sean ;)
Added Delirium Digital Video to Delirium's Index page
Added Acts/Music list to SCALADA - Thanks to Propel Pierrot
01/21/16: Added Acts/Music list to Le Chemins Invisibles 5
(Thanks to... well, you know who you are ;) )
Added a blurb on music about Movi-Kanti-Revo
Added some text to Quidam's Music Page
Tweaked Dralion's Itinerary
01/22/16: Added text to Zumanity's Theater page
Added info/text/pix of Quidam's Enhanced CD Offerings
Added Sound Design Text from Meyer Sound articles to DELIRIUM,
Wintuk, Viva Elvis, ZAIA, ZED, and Varekai.
Tweaked Saltimbanco's Vertical Rope Text.
Fixed an IRIS Theater Picture
02/12/16: Added "Lu 'Aw Na'vi", "Shaman Story", and "Tawkami Clan"
to TORUK Lyrics - Thanks Ignacio!
02/18/16: Fixed date typos on Dralion's Tour Page Milestones Chart
02/19/16: Added Totem Evolution to Books
Tweaked the Livers section somewhat, touching each book
02/20/16: Tweaked Quidam's Characters Page (Clowns)
02/21/16: Tweaked Dralion's Characters Page (Clowns)
02/22/16: Fixed typos and added song names on Music pages for: Dralion,
Corteo, Delirium, Alegria, Kooza, La Nouba, Mystere, O,
OVO, Quidam, Saltimbanco, TOTEM, Varekai, and Zaia. Thanks
guys, you know who you are!
02/24/16: Tweaked the Song Listings design on Resident Show Music pages.
(Except Zumanity. Coming Soon.)
02/25/16: Fixed typos on Quidam's Itinerary Page.
Fixed a typo on Alegria Live CD track listing
Updated Les Macloma Info on Quidam Character Page
Updated Quidam's Music Page & Added song names (Thanks guys!)
02/26/16: Updated Zarkana's Music Page (Thanks guys! :) )
03/01/16: Added Costumes to Toruk's Personages Page
03/02/16: Added Music to Toruk-The First Flight
03/03/16: Added Set & Stage to Toruk's-The First Flight
03/05/16: Added Pics to KURIOS' acts: Yo-Yo, Hand Puppetry, Bicycle,
and Animal Mime
03/06/16: Added Experience to Toruk-The First Flight
(Refinements & Pictures Coming Soon)
03/09/16: Added Zarkana's "new" acts in reserve
03/11/16: Tweaked Totem Tour Page (added 2,000th performance)
03/12/16: Tweaked the Kooza Tour Page (added 3,000th performance)
Tweaked the Kooza Music Page (added Alessandra Gonzalez)
Added Aerial Hoop to Kooza's Acts
03/13/16: Tweaked the Zumanity pages (Music & more)
Added TORUK Experience page
03/17/16: Added a few "new" pictures to Zumanity
03/18/16: Added "Asteraw" to Zarkana Lyrics (Thanks Ignacio!)
04/08/16: Added "Tiembla la Tierra" to LUZIA Lyrics (Thanks José)
04/10/16: Added Luzia CD to Musique
04/12/16: Added First Fanfafonie 45 record to Musique
04/13/16: Added "official description" of TOTEM's Hand-to-Hand act
04/14/16: Fixed Picture on Viva Elvis Experience Page
04/15/16: Updated OVO's Singers & Songs List
Updated Varekai's Singers List
04/16/16: Added Liner Notes to Luzia CD
Tweaked some titles in Telemagik
Updated Social Mission Links to Include all Parts
04/17/16: Updated Amaluna's Set & Stage Page w/info & pics
Added 3 Images to Amaluna's Hoop Diving Act
Updated Kurios' Set & Stage Page w/info & pics
Added Zaia Intro text to Zaia's Index Page
Added 4 Images to Varekai's Tumbling Act
04/18/16: Tweaked the Liner Notes for Luzia, Joya, Toruk, Kurios
Zarkana, Amaluna, Le Best Of 2, IRIS and TOTEM's CDs.
04/19/16: Tweaked the Liner Notes for OVO, BELIEVE, ZED, Cirque 25,
ZAIA, Kooza, Wintuk, Delirium, and Corteo's CDs.
04/20/16: Tweaked the Liner Notes for KA, Zumanity, Le Best Of,
Solarium-Delirium, Delirium, Solarium, Varekai (Special
Edition), Varekai, Dralion, La Nouba, Alegria: The Film,
"O", Collection and Quidam Extended CDs.
04/21/16: Tweaked the Liner Notes for Quidam, Mystere Live,
Alegria Extended, Alegria, Mystere, Saltimbanco 2005,
Saltimbanco Extended, Saltimbanco, Nouvelle Experience.
and Le Cirque Reinvente CDs.
04/22/16: LUZIA Page goes Live w/new Index text, Music, Costumes
and Characters, Itineraire, and Set & Stage (text
mostly from the Press Kit.) Tweaks and more Coming!
04/23/16: Added "Pambolero" to LUZIA Lyrics Page (thanks CircoQuidam!)
04/24/16: Edited LUZIA's Set & Stage Text, added Pics
05/06/16: Updated the Music for OVO's Straps Duo Act to "Unknown"
05/14/16: Changed Joya's CD Catalog # to CDSMC-51919
Changed Luzia's CD Catalog # to CDSMC-10053
05/16/16: Added Luzia Acts List (Experience to Come)
Added Music-to-Act for Luzia
Fixed a couple of errors on the Saltimbanco Music
page - Diablo and Solo Trapeze (thanks Franco Vera!)
05/17/16: Added "Too High", "Alone", "Walk on Water" and "Let Me Fall"
to DELIRIUM's Lyrics page. Thanks Propel_Pierrot!
Also fixed typo on DELIRIUM Music Page
05/18/16: Added "Mountain of Clothes" lyrics to Alegria: Le Film
Added "Mirko" lyrics to Alegria. Thanks Propel_Pierrot!
07/15/16: Updated Touring Shows Itinéraire for Amaluna, Kooza,
Kurios, Luzia, OVO, Toruk, Totem, and Varekai
07/17/16: Updated the LUZIA Section:
- Added Experience texts (Acts); Pics to come
- Tweaked texts on Music, Set & Stage, and Costumes
08/25/16: Updated LUZIA Section: Added Pics to Acts and
updated the show's image banners
Changed Paramour's logo on Creations Page
08/26/16: Played around with the BELIEVE pages today, added a
new banner, added closing info on Evolution, put up
a characters page, and more.
08/27/16: Added Costumes & Characters page to DELIRIUM
Tweaked DELIRIUM's Set & Stage Page
08/28/16: Tweaked OVO's Set & Stage page to include blurb on
arena tour changes.
08/29/16: Tweaked the VIVA ELVIS pages today, expanding and
re-arranging the Set & Stage, Music & Costumes pages.
Expanded out "The Show" under the Experience moniker.
Edited the Evolution/Background texts
08/30/16: Tweaked ZARKANA's Evolution Page (added blurb about
it being asked to close and added Milestones
08/31/16: Tweaked MJ IMMORTAL's pages - separated out Set & Stage,
Costumes, and Music into separate pages
09/16/16: Added PARAMOUR album to MUSIQUE
09/30/16: Updated Music Pages for Zarkana, Kurios and Toruk
thanks to Henry. :)
10/12/16: Updated OVO Experience by adding pics to the
Straps and Korean Cradle acts.
10/14/16: Tweaked the code on the Lyrics pages, added
"Cierra Los Ojos" to Luzia Lyrics.
11/11/16: Added VOLTA to Creations, created Index Page
Chaned SodaCirque to Septimo Dia
Added "official" descriptions to La Nouba's
B-Boys and Aerial Bamboo acts
Other small tweaks
12/02/16: Added Toruk and Luzia DVDs to Telemagik
12/09/16: Updated the Costumes & Characters texts for OVO, BELIEVE,
12/12/16: Updated the Costumes & Characters text for Delirium, Corteo,
KA, and Zumanity.
12/15/16: Updated the Costumes & Characters text for Varekai, Dralion,
and La Nouba.
12/16/16: Updated the Costumes & Characters text for La Magie Continue,
Le Cirque Reinvente, Nouvelle Experience, Saltimbanco,
Mystere, Alegria, Quidam, and "O".
12/20/16: Tweaked Luzia Experience text based on new programme book.
Added Catalog # / UPC to Luzia DVD in Telemagik
Updated Varekai to include Cyr Wheel act, retire Juggling
Updated Amaluna to include Banquine, Unicycles, Diabolo;
retired The Storm and Hoop Diving
12/21/16: Rewrote TORUK-The First Flight Experience based on
current programme book texts.
Added Saltimbanco 2006 Tour Promo (from Argentina) and
Saltimbanco Nederland Promo CD to Musique's "Other
Promo" page.
Added Alain Vinet Interview
Added Paramour Lyrics to Lyrics Page
12/22/16: Added "ZED Graphic Novel" to Livres
{ Return to Top }

01/04/17: Added a Fan Sketch to Quidam's Aerial Straps Act in Rotation
thanks to Henry Peirson!
Updated Zarkana, Zumanity, "O", and Mystere Vocalists thanks to
Henry Peirson and Sean Zaremba.
01/05/17: Correction on Varekai Music Page with regards to when
Craig Jennings left and when Jamieson joined. Thanks
to Henry Peirson.
Udated note on when Estelle Esse was lead in Kurios
(for just a few days in May). Also thanks to Henry. :)
01/06/17: Upgraded WINTUK section with "Scénographie" page dedicated to
information on Set & Stage, Lighting & Projection, and
Sound Design. Sources: Meyer Sound, Light & Sound Magazine,
and Cirque Press Kits.
Also upgraded WINTUK's "Personages" page, dedicated to
information on Costumes and Characters, with a bit more
information on the puppets and other costumes.
Added Luzia DVD to Audio/Visual link on Luzia index page
Added Toruk DVD to Audio/Visual link on Toruk index page
Fixed a couple typos with PARAMOUR Lyrics
Added the Songs list to PARAMOUR Musique page
Added the Paramour CD to Audio/Visual link on PARAMOUR index
02/17/17: Updated "O" Vocalists, again thanks to Henry Peirson
Added Lyrics to Lyrics Page (thanks to Propel_Pierot):
- "Caravena" and "Alice" to Mystere
- "Wenninsun" and "Ooshou Dom Be" to Les Chemins
- "Slipping Away" and "One Love" to Delirium
- "Prince" to La Nouba
03/14/17: Code clean-up on Creations Page
Changed Logos for Reinvente, Nouvelle, Fascination, and Volta
Updated Corteo Vocalists thanks to Henry
Updated IRIS Background Page to include Milestones box
Added 11,000th Show to Mystere Milestones
Added Closing Date to La Nouba Milestones
Added 5,000th Show to Varekai Milestones
Updated ZED's Background Page & Milestones
Updated ZAIA's Background Page to include Milestones box
Updated Tour Itineraries for: Amaluna, Kooza, Kurios, Luzia,
Totem, Varekai, Toruk, and OVO.
03/15/17: Update to TORUK-The First Flight Experience. Separated
Experience into individual acts/scenes.
Changed VOLTA's banner, added Creators
03/16/17: Retired Mystere's "Aerial Cube" act
Added Mystere's "Duo Straps" act
Removed "Le Filet" as an act in Mystere
Relabeled Male Lead in Zarkana to ZARK (2010-2013)
Relabeled Female Singers in Zarakana as "Lia & Castafiore"
03/17/17: Added Characters Descriptions and Pics to PARAMOUR
03/31/17: More Vocalists Updates - thanks Henry! ;)
Added "Sép7imo Día – No Descansaré" album to Musique
Added "#SodaCirque" Documentary DVD to Télémagik
Added "Scalada: Vision" to the Scalada Page
04/04/17: Septimo Dia Page Updates:
- Added "Personages" Page (Costumes & Characters)
- Added "Scenographie" Page (Set, Stage & Projections)
- Added "Experience" acts/scenes Text
- Re-Did Main Index Page Introduction Text
The Beatles LOVE Page Updates:
- Removed "I Am The Walrus" (Text & Pics)
- Added in New Musical/Act Pieces
- Added Pics to Characters Page
04/05/17: Fixed Luzia's Costume Pix Not Displaying
Fixed Music for "Omaticaya Clan" and "Ralu & Entu" scenes
for TORUK's Experience
Fixed allignment issue on Kurio's Musique Page
Added "Immortal" Documentary to MJ Immortal Audio/Visual Listing
Added "Hatching" to OVO Audio/Visual Listing
04/06/17: Fixed Missing Picture in Kooza's Set & Stage Page
Fixed HEX code text in Kooza's Tour Pae
Fixed missing 2010 visual for BELIEVE
Fixed Kit CHatham and Raphael Beau's missing Interview Pictures
Fixed Le Monde Est Fou Image on Events Page
04/07/17: Expanded "Worlds Away" Pages
- Reworked posted texts; splitting some into new pages
- Added Songs / Soundtrack List
- Added Cast & Crew Credits
- Added Japanese Visuals to front page
04/14/17: Septimo Dia Page Updates:
- Re-Arranged Septimo Dia's Experience to match the show's
actual running order. Also changed from using song titles
to act names.
- Added Musical selections to each act
- Added Musique page for quick run down of music per act
Fixed some Vocalist typos (Thanks Henry ;) )
- Zarkana's Meetu Chilana, changed beginning year
- Delirium's Juliana Sheffield, changed joining date
Fixed Corteo's Vocalist list (it was out of whack)
Tweaked VIVA ELVIS Experience Page
Tweaked MJ IMMORTAL Experience Page
Added pictures to Zaia's Handbalancing Act-in-Rotation
Tweaked Zaia's Musique Page
05/17/17: VOLTA Page Updates:
- Added "Personages" Page (Costumes & Characters)
- Added "Scénographie" Page (Set, Stage & Projections)
- Added "Expérience" (Acts/Scenes Texts)
- Added "Itinéraire" (Tour & Visuals)
- Re-Did Main Index Page Introduction Text
Added Kurios DVD to Telemagik
Added Kurios DVD to Kurios Page Audio/Visual Listing
Added "Ma Place au Soleil (My Place in the Sun)" to BOOKS/LIVRES
06/02/17: Noted La Nouba Closing on the Creations Page (Changed Dates)
Added skeleton CRYSTAL Page
Added STELAR to SCALADA Event Page
Added JOEL to Special Events & Projects Creations Section
Added LA FORGE AUX ETOILES to Special Events & Projects
Added REFLEKT to Special Events & Projects
Added CIRQUE AT SEA Logo to Special Events & Projects (Future)
06/29/17: Even More Vocalist Updates (Thanks Henry!)
Added Mike & The Robots, Glassbox Project, and ROGA to C:LAB
Added One Night for One Drop 4 to ONE DROP Section
Added musical mix details to LOVE's Experience
07/13/17: Refreshing LOVE Section:
- Character desciption redux
- Experience expanded to individual scenes w/Official
Description and Fan Sketch. Text complete. Pictures
07/14/17: Refreshing LOVE Section:
- Pictures for Experience/Scenes added
- Updated LOVE Visuals
07/28/17: Added SERIE HOMMAGE to Special Events & Projects Creations Section
- Beau Dommage/Le Monde Est Fou text w/pix
- Charlebois/Tout écartillé text
- Plamondon/Stone text (w/pix coming soon)
Added Earnings to ONOD
Tweak to "Get Back" music notation for LOVE
Tweak to Amaluna Character Description
08/03/17: Added/Updated REFLEKT page
08/04/17: Quick update to Nathalie Noël's tenure in Alegria and Zumanity
Added "Havi Vahlia" to Lyrics page (Nouvelle)
Changed "Gitans" lyrics in the Lyrics Page (Varekai)
8/11/17: Added pictures to SCALADA: Stellar
Added 5 pictures to C:LAB "Glassbox Project"
Tweaked CORTEO Vocalists again (Esse)
Added NFL EXPERIENCE Logo to Projects/Events
8/17/17: Added NFL EXPERIENCE text and pictures (based on Fascination
"Sneak Peek" article)
Updated PARAMOUR vocalists
8/18/17: Updated SPECIAL EVENTS listings
- Split up Events into new page groups
- Page 3: 2010-2012
- Page 4: 2013-2014
- Page 5: 2015-2016
- Page 6: 2017+
- Added 2015 Events (15)
- Added 2016 Events (15)
Updated Vocalists for...
Kooza, Totem, Toruk, Zarkana, JOYA, Zumanity, Quidam,
Wintuk, Corteo, Mystere, La Nouba, and "O"
9/19/17: Changed "Steampunk Telegram" lyrics (Kurios)
Changed "A Tale" lyrics (La Nouba)
Changed "Kèro Hiréyo" lyrics (Varekai)
Changed "Pambolero" lyrics (Luzia)
Updated "All Come Together" lyrics (Amaluna)
9/20/17: Updated Vocalist information for Kooza, Corteo, Alegria,
La Nouba, Mystere, "O", Saltimbanco, ZAIA, ZED, Delirium,
KA, Amaluna, Totem, Zumanity, Luzia, and Kurios. (Thanks Henry!)
9/21/17: Added VOLTA CD to Musique
Added Volta's Songs to Volta's Music Page
Moved "Tight Wire", "Batons", "Ropes" to Retire
Made some other minor tweaks to Volta's pages
Vocalist corrections to Corteo, Delirium, Kooza, Totem, La Nouba
9/22/17: VOLTA: Added Pics & Songs to Experience, Added Character Pics
CRYSTAL: Added Creative Team, Updated Tour Dates
- Updated Septimo Dia Tour Dates
- Vocalist correction to La Nouba
- Added Music/Vocalists for Viva Elvis, MJ Immortal, MJ ONE
9/25/17: Added 2017 Events Text
9/26/17: Added ONOD5 Text / Review
Updated KA Vocalists
9/28/17: Updated Lubia Dobarstan (Varekai) lyrics based on new
lyrics video
10/03/17: Complete JOYA section overhaul
- Selectable Acts w/Pics
- New Music Page Text
10/04/17: Complete JOYA section overhaul
- New Index Page Text
- New Scenographie Page Text
- New Gastronomy Page Text
10/05/17: A couple of vocalist corrections for Alegria and Mystere
10/06/17: Complete JOYA section overhaul
- Pictures for Scenographie Page
- Pictures for Gastronomy Page
- Character Pictures for Personages Page
10/19/17: Updated Vocalists for Alegria, Mystere, Quidam, Saltimbanco,
Dralion, Corteo, Viva Elvis, Kooza, OVO, "O", La Nouba,
Totem, Zarkana, Zumanity, and Paramour
10/21/17: Vocalist corrections to Alegria, Saltimbanco, and Paramour
10/24/17: Added Pics-to-Acts for Septimo Dia
10/25/17: Added Cyr Wheel as an Act-in-Reserve for La Nouba
10/26/17: Added PARAMOUR Album Notes
10/27/17: Added "Cirque at SEA" page, with information on the partnership,
and on VIAGGIO and SONOR, the two shows on the MSC Meraviglia.
10/29/17: Updated Vocalist info for Zumanity and Mystere
Fixed Public Preview date on Zumanity from Jul.31.2003 to
11/01/17: Updated the CirqueFAQ to v3.9.6
- Moved 2.5 History to [3] History
- Added 2.5 Who Owns Cirque du Soleil?
- Updated all Items for New Productions since last update
- Added Toruk, Luzia, Septimo, Volta, Crystal, Joya, Paramour
- Added Luna Petunia (TV Series)
- Updated Telemajik Documentaries, DVDs
- Updated Fan Communities (CirqueCast, HCF)
- Updated Social Media Links (FB)
- Updated Tapis Rouge/VIP info with old Dralion VIP
- Updated Tour Information for all shows
- Updated Creative Teams List
- And more...
11/03/17: Added Luna Petunia section to Media Productions
11/10/17: Added "Bella Donna Twist" lyrics to KURIOS
Added "Omé Yo Kanoubé" lyrics to TOTEM
Added "If I Could Reach Your Heart" lyrics to KA
Updated Vocalist info for Mystere, "O", Alegria, and Saltimbanco
12/06/17: Updated Vocalist info for Alegria, Saltimbanco, Totem, "O", JOYA,
Quidam, Kooza, Mystere, KA, and Zumanity
Updated "Patzivota" lyrics for VAREKAI
Updated "Tzelma" lyrics for "O"
12/08/17: Gave the VAREKAI pages some love:
- Re-ordered acts / added interstitial scenes
- Updated Scene/Act texts
- Refreshed / Added some pictures to acts
- Updated Tour Info & Added Final Show
Fixed Errors on TOTEM's Page (Acts - Contortion/Escalade)
12/10/17: Scénographie Update, Phase 1: Updated Set & Stage, Lighting
Design, Projections, and/or Sound Design texts for Quidam,
Varekai, Kooza, OVO, Totem, Amaluna, and Luzia.
12/11/17: Tweaked Corteo's Stage and Vocal Aerial Silk Act Pics
Tweaked Dralion's Diabolo act pics
12/13/17: Tweaked pix for Alegria & Amaluna
12/15/17: Updated Experience pix for Kooza & OVO
12/17/17: Updated Vocalists for Alegria, Saltimbanco, Quidam, Dralion and "O"
12/20/17: Updated Experience pix for TOTEM & Toruk-The First Flight
12/22/17: Updated Experience pix for Kurios
Changed Kurios Banner; added lenticular poster
Updated "Vocea" lyrics for VAREKAI (YouTube Video)
Added Costume pix to MJ ONE
Tweaked Experience/Costume Pix for IRIS
{ Return to Top }

01/01/18: Added "Bows over the years" pix to La Nouba Evolution page
01/02/18: Updated ZAIA pages:
- Added 6 Theater Pix to Scenographie
- Added 9 Creation Storyboards to Evolution
- Added "Tai Yang Ju Tuan" Logo to Evolution
- Added 3 eCard images to Evolution
- Added 4 Costume pix to Personages
01/03/18: Updated WINTUK pages:
- Added 2 Storyboard Pix to Evolution
- Added 6 Theater/Stage pix to Scenographie
- Added new pix to Charivari, Slackwire, Rola Bola, Straps
and Russian Bar acts to Experience
01/04/18: More Updates...
- ZARKANA: Added 5 pix to Evolution; 3 pix to Aerial Straps
- KOOZA: Added 5 pix to Scenographie; text from Scène Éthique
- TOTEM: Fixed Scenographie text (Scène Éthique); added pix
- LUZIA: Added 4 pix to Scenographie; text from Scène Éthique
01/05/18: And More Updates...
- DELIRIUM: Updated Scenographie text
- BELIEVE: New Scenograpie Text & Pix, Character Pix
- MYSTERE: New Character Pix, Tweaked Expérience
- KA: Added 6 Costume Pix, Musicians Pix to Vocalits
01/08/18: Updated Luzia's Experience Pictures
01/12/18: Updated Quidam's Experience & Scenographie Pictures
01/15/18: Clean-up edits for Alegria, Amaluna, IRIS, and "O"
(adding dates to acts, fixing errors, and other code changes)
01/16/18: Clean-up edits for OVO, Corteo, Dralion, and Kooza
01/17/18: Clean-up edits for La Nouba, Kurios, KA, and Quidam
01/18/18: Clean-up edits for Saltimbanco, Varekai, Mystere, and Zarkana
01/19/18: Clean-up edits for Wintuk, Zumanity, Volta, Joya and Zaia
02/01/18: Added some new pix...
- JOYA: Horizontal Juggling, Icarian Games, Handbalancing on
Canes, Aerial Straps, Aerial Ring, Trapeze Duplex,
Rola Bola, Rope Skipping, and Roller Skating
- KA: Dressing Ritual, Handbalancing
- VOLTA: Batons, B-Ball
- WINTUK: Aerial Cube, Skipping Ropes, Roller Skates,
and Perches
- MYSTERE: Duo Straps, Flying Man in Silk
- CORTEO: Diabolo, Foot Juggling, Teatro Intimo, Stage
02/02/18: More New Pix...
- AMALUNA: Static Trapeze, Hoops, Diabolo
- KOOZA: Aerial Straps, Hand-to-Hand
- DRALION: Balancing on Chairs
- ALEGRIA: Flying Main in Silk
- ZUMANITY: Dance Trapeze
- QUIDAM: Cloud Swing (Male)
- ZARKANA: Rola Bola, Icarians, Chairs, Hoops, and Bed
03/01/18: Overhauled Zumanity's Scenographie page
Updated text in Zumanity's Personages page (Costumes)
Updated Zumanity's Index page, massaging the intro text
Upated Alegria's Scenographie page (Beau Rivage)
Added a Scenographie page to Paramour
Overhauled Viva Elvis' Scenographie page
03/02/18: Updated La Nouba's Scenographie Page
Overhauled MJ ONE's Scenographie Page
03/03/18: Overhauled "O"'s Scenographie Page
03/06/18: Overhauled KA's Scenography Page (Text & Renderings)
Updated Zumanity's Costumes Page (Added Text)
Updated Zumanity's Music Page (Added Text)
Added Projections to Zumanity's Scenographie Page
03/07/18: Overhauled Zarkana's Scenogaphy Page
Updated Zarkana's Costumes Page (Added Text)
Zarkana's Characters List Redux (w/Pix)
Added Text to Zarkana's Vocalist Page
03/09/18: Overhauled LOVE's Scenography Page
(Concludes Scénographie Update, Phase 2)
03/12/18: Updated ZUMANITY Experience
- Added a lot to Retired Acts
03/13/18: Updated LUZIA Experience with new official
texts from latest Press Kit
03/14/18: Updated TOTEM Experience
- Moved "Handbalancing" and "Foot Juggling" to Retire
- Moved "Contortion" and "Escalated" to Main
- Added "Cyr Wheel" to Reserve
03/15/18: Added "Aerial Cart" to Kurios' Acts in Reserve
Updated CORTEO Experience
- Moved "Tightwire" and "Duo Adagio" to Retire
- Added "Hula Hoop" and "Suspended Pole" to Main
03/16/18: CRYSTAL Page Updates:
- Added "Personages" Page (Costumes & Characters)
- Added "Scénographie" Page
- Added "Expérience" (Acts/Scenes Texts w/pix)
- Added "Itinéraire" (Updated Tour & Added Visuals)
- Re-worked Main Index Page Introduction Text & Banner
03/20/18: Updated QUIDAM Scenographie with "Sound Design" text
from Meyer Sound
Updated QUIDAM Music page with more behind-the-scenes
on music creation
Updated DRALION Scenograpie with quotes from Roy
Updated DRALION Itinerarie with more creation story text
Updated ALEGRIA Fire-Knife Act description, and
Shoulder-Pole Wire description
Updated ALEGRIA Clowns text
03/22/18: Updated Historia (1983-1991 entires) with some new text
Updated NOUVELLE EXPERIENCE Experience, Personages, and
Main Index Page text
Updated REINVENTE with Experience and Personages text
Updated VAREKAI Experience with some new text
Updated VAREKAI Personages with new Character pix
05/11/18: Updated "Koudamaré", "The Forest" lyrics (KA)
Updated "Mer Noire", "Svecounia", "Nostalgie" lyrics ("O")
Updated "Kooza Dance" lyrics (Kooza)
05/17/18: Added "Sound Design" to Corteo (From Meyer Sound)
Tweaked La Nouba's "The Red Pierrot" character description
Updated "Zumanity" Evolution w/Debra Brown text
and intro "Animation" text.
05/19/18: Updated Kooza's "Itineraire" intro text
Tweaked Dralion's Musique intro text
Updated ZED's Evolution text
Tweaked "O"'s Milestone's Box, "Feu" act text
05/21/18: Tweaked Alegria's "Old Birds" description
Tweaked TOTEM's Scenography intro text, and touched the
"Perches", "Rings Trio" and "Characters" texts
Tweaked OVO's Scenography intro text
05/23/18: Added text to IRIS's Musique Intro
Tweaked Zarkana's Evolution text (Zark in Russia)
Tweaked KA's Scenography & Evolution page text
05/25/18: Added to ONOD 1 Intro Text
Added to LOVE's "Because", "Get Back", "Glass Onion"
Experience Text. And to some Background/Evolution texts
05/26/18: Added to VIVA ELVIS' Background/Evolution
Added to ZAIA's Background/Evolution
05/30/18: Added to ZARKANA's Acts, Characters, Costumes Text
Added to MJ Immortal's Texts
09/01/18: Updated Banana Shpeel's Background/Evolution and
Character page
09/02/18: Added "Banana Blog: Schmelky Production", a copy of the
defunct blog in association with Banana Shpeel in
NYC, from the point of view of Marty Schmelky.
09/03/18: Updated BELIEVE Costumes & Characters Page Text
09/04/18: Updated BELIEVE Evolution page Text
09/05/18: Updated MJ IMMORTAL Evolution/Background Text
09/06/18: Updated MJ ONE Evolution/Background Text
09/07/18: Updated BELIEVE Scénographie page, adding texts to
Projections and The Venue sections
09/08/18: Updated VIVA ELVIS' Scénographie page, adding texts
to all sections from Sound and Communication
09/09/18: Updated "Run" lyrics (Amaluna)
Updated "You Must Be Joking" lyrics (Kurios)
Added "To The Stars" lyrics (Volta)
09/10/18: Updated Halifax G7 Special Text (Events)
09/11/18: Updated "Gamlan" lyrics ("O")
Added "Hum Jaisa Na Dekha" lyrics (Kooza)
Added "Burn Me Up" lyrics (Amaluna)
Added "We've Been Waiting For So Long" lyrics (KA)
Added "Gravity Levitas" lyrics (Kurios)
09/12/18: Added BAZZAR logo and Index Page to Creations
09/13/18: Updated VOLTA section to bring it up to the current
version of the show (retired Parkour, Batons, etc.
Removed the old Prologue, and added Mr. Wow, etc.)
09/14/18: Updated Balto & Sergey text for La Nouba
09/15/18: Added New Pix to SCALADA pages
09/16/18: Added DIVA to Special Events Section (Text & Pics)
09/17/18: Reworking Cirque at Sea Page (Special Events):
Intro, Carousel Lounge, and Creative Team text
Added "Dance Interlude" to La Nouba
09/18/18: Continuing Cirque at SEA rework - VIAGGIO
09/19/18: Finished Cirque at SEA rework - SONOR
09/20/18: Added STONE, Hommage à Plamondon to Hommage Series
09/21/18: Added "Juste une P'tite Nuite", Hommage à Les Colocs
09/22/18: Updated Luna Petunia Pages
- Added Episode Synopsis/Pics for Season 3
- Added Episode Synopsis/Pics for Season 4
- Added Episode Synopsis/Pics for Season 5
09/23/18: Added Luna Petunia "Extras"
(Color Wheel, Growth Chart, 3 Color Sheets)
Added "IRIS CD Sampler" to Musique / White Labels
Tweaked 2017 Events texts and added icons
09/24/18: Added 2018 Monaco 45 Degrees show to 2018 Events Page
Added "2018 Dubai World Cup" to 2018 Events Page
Added "88th Saudi National Day" to 2018 Events Page
09/25/18: Added 7 Boutique Pics to MJ ONE Scenography
Added 7 Theater Pics to MJ ONE Scenography
Added 9 Lighting Plot Pics to MJ ONE Scenography
09/26/18: Added old "Madame's Diary" to Zumanity Features
Added "The Effects" text to "Warrior's Path" - McLaren Racing
Special Event. Plus added 8 new pictures of the event.
[From Moment Factory]
09/27/18: Added "KA Creators' Notebook" to KA Features
Added "Wintuk Creators' Notebook" to Wintuk Features
09/28/18: Added REVOLUTION LOUNGE to Noted Special Events & Projects
09/29/18: Added GOLD LOUNGE to Noted Special Events & Projects
09/30/18: Added LIGHT NIGHTCLUB to Noted Special Events & Projects
10/01/18: Updated "Superbowl XLVI Halftime Show" listing on Events Page
- New Text and 13 pictures
10/02/18: Updated Varekai Music Text (added some quotes from Corradi
about Cirque Music)
Updated Mystere's Evolution Text (3.0)
(more to be done there later)
Updated Quidam's Scenogrphy Text (Sound Design & Telepherique)
10/03/18: Updated & Expanded 2010 History in Historia
10/04/18: Updated & Expanded 2011 History in Historia
10/05/18: Updated & Expanded 2012 History in Historia
10/06/18: Updated & Expanded 2013 History in Historia
10/07/18: Updated & Expanded 2014 History in Historia
10/08/18: Added 2015 History to Historia
10/09/18: Added 2016 History to Historia
10/10/18: Added 2017 History to Historia
10/11/18: Added "Battlefield" lyrics (KA)
10/12/18: Added "Evolution: Alegria 2" Tour DVD to Telemagik
Added "Spirit: Dralion" Tour DVD to Telemagik
10/13/18: Added "Voyage: Corteo" Tour DVD to Telemagik
Added "Treasure Box: Kooza" Tour DVD to Telemagik
10/14/18: Added "Totem" Tour DVD to Telemagik
Added "Panasonic ZED" Bluray to Telemagik
10/15/18: Added CirqueVR to Projects/Creations
10/22/18: Added "Pokinoi" Single Promo (BQP-21) [White labels]
Added images to Les Pengoins Single [Singles]
Changed Pictures for Quidam Single [Singles]
Added "Bello Amore" Single (Zumanity) [Singles]
Updated Corteo CD Cover
10/29/18: Updated TELEMAGIK, fixed some image errors
11/05/18: Tweaked Septimo Dia's Set/Stage text

01/03/19: Added "X - The Land of Fantasy" logo to Creations Page
Added "Thunder" lyrics (Totem)
01/09/19: Added "Dancing Ants" lyrics (Volta)
01/13/19: Updated KURIOS Itinerary
Added Recent TORUK visual / Updated Itinerary
Added Recent CRYSTAL visuals / Updated Itinerary
01/14/19: Added BAZZAR Experience (acts) w/pics (Preliminary)
Added BAZZAR Poster to Tour/Itineraire page
01/15/19: Added Recent VOLTA visual / Updated Itinerary
Added Recent LUZIA visual / Updated Itinerary
Added Recent OVO visual / Updated Itinerary
01/16/19: Updated SEPTIMO DIA Pages
- Created Proper Itineraire Page w/Visuals
- Added 3 Visuals / Updated Itinerary
Updated KOOZA Itinerary
01/17/19: Added "Alegria: Return of an Icon" landing page
w/banner, brief introduction, and Creators List
Added Recent TOTEM visual / Updated Itinerary
Added Recent AMALUNA visuals / Updated Itinerary
01/18/19: Added "Big Top Academy" landing page
w/character description & Episode List
Added Recent CORTEO visual / Updated Itinerary
Updated CORTEO's Vocalists
01/20/19: Updated/tweaked Vocalists for: Amaluna, IRIS, & KA
01/21/19: Updated/tweaked Vocalists for: Kooza, La Nouba, "O", and Saltimbanco
01/22/19: Updated/tweaked Dralion's vocalists & dates on its
other pages; Updated Vocalists for Alegria & Quidam.
01/23/19: Updated/tweaked Vocalists for: Corteo, JOYA, Varekai
01/24/19: Updated/tweaked Vocalists for: Viva Elvis, Totem, Zaia
01/25/19: Updated/tweaked Vocalists for: Zarkana, Zumanity, Delirium
01/26/19: Added "Sisyphe" lyrics (Alegria)
Added "Globetrotters" lyrics (Volta)
Tweaked Experience for OVO, Mystere
01/27/19: Updated Experience (Act Order) for: Corteo & JOYA
Added BAZZAR Music Page (Vocalists & Songs)
01/28/19: Updated Experience (Act Order) for: Volta & Zumanity
01/29/19: Added a prelminary "X: The Land of Fantasy" page
(Banner, Creators List, Brief Description)
01/30/19: Updated Alegria 25th Anniversary Acts Listing
Added New Employee "Mystere 25 Live" Vinyl to Musique (Cover)
Added "Messi10" Logo to Creations Page
01/31/19: Added Slackwire act to Luzia (Reserve)
Added cities to vocalists: Banana Shpeel, MJ Immortal, Zarkana
Tweaked Zumanity some more
Updated Volta's Aerial Straps Duo w/text & Pics
Added VOLTA DVD Cover - Digital Only/Canada Only (No Page)
02/14/19: Added Set & Stage, Music, and Costumes & Characters
to BAZZAR from Press Kit
02/21/19: Reordered 1985 Tour Experience
03/14/19: Tweaked Mystere's Giant Characters description
Added UPC to NAGA version of Nouvelle Experience cassette
03/15/19: Tweaked Alegria's Clowns descriptions & pics
03/18/19: Tweaked the "8400 2e - Cirque IHQ" article (added text)
04/19/19: All about Alegria 2019:
- Tweaked the logo & banner for the page
- Added in Characters w/Descriptions & Pictures
- Added in Vocalists & Music to Acts List
- Added in Experience pages (pics coming)
04/22/19: Updated Alegria 2019 Music to Acts List
Made Other Corrections/Updates across multiple shows
Added Mystere Live 25 Album particulars
04/23/19: Updated Alegria 2019: Added "Handbalancing"
ZUMANITY: Changed "Wind" to "Come Together" and added
pics to: Aerial Lyra, 2Men (Wushu), Body2Body, Cyr
Wheel, SpyMonkey, Aerial Hoop, and Fire acts
Added pictures to: Kooza's Cyr Wheel act; Amaluna's
Cyr Wheel act; Kurios' Aerial Cart act; OVO's Hoops act;
ZAIA's Strap act; JOYA's Juggling act; Saltimbanco's
Strap act; Quidam's Dance Trapeze act; Volta's Diabolo
act; and Luzia's Slackwire act
Updated some site banners
04/24/19: Updated VOLTA's Scenographie with text from Lighting &
Sound America
04/26/19: Added a few more new pics to Alegria 2019
05/01/19: Updated ITINERAIRE for Corteo, Kooza, OVO, Totem,
Amaluna, Kurios, Toruk, Luzia, Volta, Crystal,
and Bazzar.
Added R.U.N Logo to Creations Page / Resident Shows
Added REBEL & VITORI Logos to Creations Page / Events
05/03/19: Updated Alegria 2019: Added Scenography text and pics,
added Costumes text and pics, added text to Music,
and added new act pictures throughout Experience.
05/23/19: Added AXEL Logo to Creations page. Linked to
CirqueFasination articles for AXEL, MESSI10 and RUN
for now.
09/01/19: Updated Historia for: 1993, 1994, & 1995 w/added text
09/02/19: Updated Historia for: 1996, 1997, & 1998 w/added text
09/03/19: Updated Historia for: 1999, 2000, & 2001 w/added text
09/04/19: Added 2018 Historia
Tweaked Paramour's Index Page (added Hamburg Dates)
Noted TORUK's Closure on June 30, 2019
Added Music to Scalada: Vision
09/05/19: Tweaked Vocalist info for: Alegria (1994), Amaluna, Corteo,
Dralion, Fascination, JOYA, and Kooza
09/06/19: Tweaked Vocalist info for: Kurios, La Nouba, Luzia, MJ Immortal,
MJ ONE, Mystere, and "O"
09/07/19: Tweaked Vocalist info for: Quidam, Saltimbanco, TORUK, Totem,
Wintuk, ZAIA, Zarkana, and Zumanity
09/08/19: Tweaked Alegria: In a New Light Vocalists/Music
Added "Alegria: In a New Light" Album to Musique
09/09/19: Updated Tour Itineraries - Alegria INAL, Amaluna, Bazzar, Corteo,
Crystal, Kooza, Kurios, Luzia, OVO, TOTEM, and Volta
09/10/19: Updated "X: The Land of Fantasy" (Added Characters & Acts List)
Added "AXEL" Page (Index, Personages, & Itineraire)
Added new "At SEA" Logo to Creations Page
Added Logo for BOCCA to Special Events Section
09/11/19: Added REBEL to Special Events Section (Text & Pics)
09/12/19: Retired "Juggling" for JOYA; Retired "Cyr Wheel", Added
"Diabolo" for KOOZA; Retired "Diabolo" for VOLTA; and added
"Aerial Straps" in Reserve to TOTEM
09/13/19: Tweaked some act/performance dates for Quidam, IRIS,
Saltimbanco, ZAIA, Zarkana, and Varekai
Noted "Aerial Silk" in rotation with "Spanish Web" on MJ ONE
09/14/19: Added Backup Vocals to Varekai Music, tweaked vocalist listings
Tweaked Zumanity acts and pics
09/15/19: Reworked Cirque at Sea Page (again)
09/16/19: Added Cirque at SEA - SYMA
09/17/19: Added Cirque at SEA - VARELIA
09/18/19: Added JOYEUX CALVARIE, Hommage à Les Cowboys
Fringants to Hommage Series
09/19/19: Added ONOD Year 6 (2018) to One Drop section
09/20/19: Added ONOD Year 7 (2019) to One Drop section
10/21/19: Added "The Change" lyrics (Volta)
Added "Simcha" lyrics ("O")
Updated "Kouyama" lyrics (Totem)
Updated "Junoon" lyrics (Kooza)
10/22/19: Added "Twas the Night Before" logo to Creations Page
Added "Cosmos" and "Exentricks" - the new AT SEA show
names to the AT SEA Page.
10/23/19: Updated Music/Vocalists for Corteo, Kooza, Kurios,
MJ Immortal, Mystere, Varekai, and Zumanity
Added "STONE: Hommage à Plamondon" album to MUSIQUE
12/10/19: Added "Twas The Night Before" Album to MUSIQUE
Added TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE show landing page (more to come)
Updated AXEL show page
Added VITORI page to Creations/Events
12/11/19: Added BOCCA page to Creations/Events
12/12/19: Added MONTE CARLO page to Creations/Events
12/13/19: Added DRAWN TO LIFE landing page (more to come)
12/16/19: Added R.U.N show pages with full text on Creative Team,
Characters, Music, Scenography, Experience, and more.
(Images to come in the new year)
12/17/19: Added MESSI10 show pages with full text on Creative Team,
Characters, Music, Scenography, Experience, and more.
(Images to come in the new year)

03/03/20: Added NYSA Logo to Creations Page
Added NYSA Landing Page (More to Come)
Noted Amaluna Closing March 1st
Noted RUN Closing March 8th
04/01/20: Tweaked JOYA's Character Bios
Added 2018 Milestones to Corteo, Totem, Toruk, and Mystere
Updated Lyrics to "Fiesta" for ZED (Thanks Ignacio!)
04/02/20: Added 2019 Milestones to LOVE, Mystere, Bazzar,
Kooza, "O", Amaluna, and Crystal
Added Pictures to Kooza Diabolo act-in-reserve
04/03/20: Added Milestones to: Kooza, Ovo, Kurios, Luzia
and Amaluna
04/04/20: Added Milestones to: Saltimbanco, MJ One, KA, LOVE,
Luzia, Mystere, Corteo, Alegria INAL, Amaluna,
Quidam and Axel.
04/05/20: Updated JOYA Pages to bring the show's pages up to date
with the current version of the show. (New Reserve
acts, Retired acts, etc.)
04/06/20: Added JOYA Milestones & Evolution Text
Updated JOYA Personages text and Pics
04/07/20: Updated Vocalist info for: Alegria, Amaluna, Corteo, JOYA,
Kooza, and Kurios
04/08/20: Updated Vocalist info for: La Nouba, Luzia, "O", Paramour,
and Saltimbanco
04/09/20: Updated Vocalist info for: Totem, Volta, Zumanity, Axel,
and X-Land of Fantasy
04/10/20: Updated Le Cirque Reinvente act order
04/11/20: Added VOLTA page to Telemajik
Updated BAZZAR Itinerarie to include Montreal
04/12/20: Added German Wheel to Mystere
Updated VITORI Acts/Performances List
Other small tweaks
04/13/20: Updated HOMMAGE #3-Luc Plamandon/Stone w/text from
the Programme Book
04/14/20: Updated HOMMAGE #4-Les Colocs/Juste une P'tite Nuite
w/text from the Programme Book
04/15/20: Updated IRIS pages with sized-up thumbnails in Experience
section, added visuals, new character & costume pics,
and updated Milestones.
04/16/20: Updated BANANA SHPEEL pages with sized-up thumbnails in
Experience section, added visuals, and new character pics.
04/17/20: Updated ZED pages with sized-up thumbnails all around
and a number of added visuals
04/18/20: Updated LA NOUBA pages with sized-up thumbnails in
Experience section, and added visuals.
04/19/20: Updated CORTEO pages with sized-up thumbnails in
Experience section, and a number of added visuals.
04/20/20: Sized-up Experience Thumbnails for Saltimbanco & Alegria
04/21/20: Updated MYSTERE pages with sized-up thumbnails in
Experience section, and added a few new visuals.
04/22/20: Updated "O" pages with sized-up thumbnails in Experience
section, with a few new visuals.
Changed NYSA's premiere dates from September 17, 2020 (Previews)
and October 28, 2020 (Gala) to September 16, 2021 (Previews)
and October 27, 2021 (Gala) thanks to Covid-19.
04/23/20: Sized-up Experience Thumbnails for Kooza
Telemajik: Added KA and "O"
Telemajik: Noted Bell Fibe for Volta, Kurios and Luzia
Telemajik: Noted Cirque in Cinema for Kurios and Luzia
Quick edits to Corteo, Mystere, Reinvente, and Quidam
04/24/20: Sized-up Experience Thumbnails for Dralion & Varekai
Added some text to Nouvelle Experience clown acts
04/25/20: Sized-up Experience Thumbnails for Zumanity & KA
04/26/20: Sized-up Experience Thumbnails for Wintuk & Zaia
04/27/20: Sized-up Experience Thumbnails for OVO & Totem
Fixed "Simcha" lyrics for "O"
Added some text to R.U.N Experience
04/28/20: Sized-up Experience Thumbnails for Kurios & Toruk
Fixed issues with SCALADA Event Pages
04/29/20: Sized-up Experience Thumbnails for Zarkana & Amaluna
Added 2019 Historia
04/30/20: Added images to Nouvelle (Clowns), Reinvente, Dralion
Added images to Messi10 Experience
05/01/20: Updated Costumes & Characters, Scenography, Music, and
Experience texts for AXEL from Press Kit
Added new AXEL icon to Creations page
Added new AXEL Banner and Text to AXEL Index Page
05/04/20: Fixed La Magie Continue Tour Dates (Longueuil)
Fixed Fascination Creative Team
Begun Split of "Le Grand Tour" and "Tournée '85"
- New "Cirque du Soleil" icon on Creations Page
- New "Tournée '85" Banner & Text
- Fixed "Tournée '85" Creative Team
- Added New "Le Grand Tour" page w/Banner
- Added "Le Grand Tour" Acts List (More to Come)
05/05/20: Added "Alegria-A Spark of Light" to Projects / CirqueVR
05/06/20: Added "Le Grand Tour" Experience, Characters and Music
Text and Pictures where applicable
05/08/20: Added Icarian Games Picture to KA
Added Text to Reinvente Musique, Costumes
05/09/20: Added One Night to One Drop 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017
and 2019 to Telemajik page, Specials section
Moved Delirium from Specials to Shows.
05/22/20: TELEMAJIK: A few tweeks to the DVD-FAQ page, and
a quick typo correction to La Magie Continue and
Journey of Man DVD pages.
MUSIQUE: A few tweeks to the Music-FAQ page
05/29/20: Massive Changes to EVENTS, PROJECTS, HISTORIA, SPECIALS and MORE
Removed the old Events List (Appearances, etc...), Split Noted
Noted Special Events & Projects on the Creations Page into two
sections: Noted Special Events and Projects & Experiments.
Brought G7 Halifax Special, Pomp Duck, Oscars, Reflections in
Blue, Superbowl XLI, Awaken the Serpent, and One Night for One
Drop to the Creations Page under NOTED SPECIAL EVENTS. Brought
AQUA, Poetic Social Mission, SPARKED and NEST to the Creations
Page under PROJECTS & EXPERIMENTS. Moved two items to SPECIALS
and the rest of the other appearances are mentioned in HISTORIA.
05/30/20: Added "SAND: 88th Saudi National Day" page to SPECIAL EVENTS
05/21/20: Moved "Guy Laliberte's Star" back to Historia
06/01/20: Added Brief New Text to ONOD 2014
06/02/20: Tweaked CirqueVR Text - Kurios Award
06/03/20: Tweaks to 2010, 2011 & 2012 Historia text
06/04/20: Updated description to ONOD, Year 2
06/05/20: Added Act/Music to "The Awakening of the Serpent"
06/06/20: Added "Touch the Sky" DVD documentary to Telemajik
06/07/20: Updated 2013 & 2014 Historia text
06/08/20: Updated 2015 & 2018 Historia text
(added SPARK Sessions & Cirque du Soleil Rosé)
06/09/20: Updated 2019 Historia text
Fixed image on Wall Coverings Special Article
06/10/20: Moved "Le Groupe du Soleil" from Specials to 1989 Historia
Removed "Under the Bigtop" from Specials
06/11/20: Added "Circus Magicus" to Projects
Updated 2001 Historia w/pic of Dralion at HQ
06/12/20: Updated 1999 Historia (Added "Other Endeavors" highlighting
TVA Group association announcement and "Spotlight" on
astronaut Julie Payette for carrying Cirque items into space)
06/13/20: Added press release about state of Cirque to serve as
introduction to 1997 Historia
06/14/20: Added Scenographie text to Le Cirque Reinvente
Added text to "Bar at the Edge of the Earth"
Small addition to "Midnight Sun" Event
06/15/20: Tweaked 2016, 2017, 2018 Historia text again
(Water Park)
06/16/20: Small tweak to IHQ Special article
Added Corde Lisse pic to Tour 85
Updated FAQ-SHOW Page w/text for 45 DEGREES Question
06/17/20: Added 3rd Diabolo pic to DRALION
Added Musicians Pic to QUIDAM
Added 10 Stage Concept Pic to LA NOUBA
Tweaked LA NOUBA Character Description
06/19/20: Added some new text to 1986 Historia (Toronto/Niagara Falls)
06/21/20: Added some new text to 1988 Historia (Austrialian Tour)
06/25/20: Added POMP DUCK AND CIRCUMSTANCE to Events (Text Only)
Researched and Written by Henry Peirson
06/26/20: 1988 Historia (More Australia)
1986 Historia (Tent size, LA Festival blurb)
2002 Historia (Tent size)
1994 Historia ("The Sun Never Sets"
06/27/20: 1993 Historia (Nouvelle Capacity)
Small addition to Bar at the Edge of the Earth
Added note that Aerial Straps at Nouvelle Experience at
the Mirage was on rotational basis
Small additions to Delirium
07/04/20: Added "Madame Zazou" to Reinvente clowns
07/05/20: Tweaked 1987 Historia - "Walt Disney World Celebrity Circus"
07/06/20: Quick updates to Banana Shpeel and Kooza acts
and Delirium and Saltimbanco Singers
07/07/20: KNIE Page Redux; added an abbreviated history of Knie
family, more about why Cirque & Knie partnered, updated
and rearranged the acts into proper executed order, and
added lots of new pictures.
07/08/20: Pomp Duck & Circumstance page updated with pictures
featuring the cast and acts!
07/09/20: Updated 1983 Historia (La Fete Poster)
07/10/20: Updated 1986 Historia Text
07/11/20: Updated 1987 Historia Text (More LA, Success)
07/12/20: Updated 1988 Historia Text (New York)
07/13/20: Updated 1989 Historia Text (Crisis)
07/14/20: Updated 1990 Historia Text (Europe Tour)
07/15/20: Tweaked Reinvente: Index Text, Characters
07/20/20: A few updates to Historia:
- Added 1986 Tour Poster (Montreal)
- Added 1988 Tour Poster (Montreal)
- Added 1990 Reinvente Tour Picture
07/21/20: A few updates to Historia:
- Added 1990 Nouvelle Poster (Seattle)
- Added 1991 Nouvelle Tour Poster
- Added 1993 Picture of Cirque Tent in Las Vegas
07/22/20: Added 2015 PAN-AM GAMES to Events
07/23/20: Reworked FASCINATION pages
- New Intro text
- Expanded Experience w/new Pics
07/24/20: Reworked SAND Event page to include "Amal and Fakhar"
the 2019 version of the special event show.
07/25/20: A few updates to Historia:
- Added 1984 Fete Foraine/CDS Site Image
- Added 1998 "Spirit of Cirque" Text
- Added 1992 Pics of Saltimbanco Tent in Montreal
07/30/20: Updated 1993 Historia text w/pix of Nouvelle at Mirage
Added better Gamelan Single Cover pic to Musique/Singles
08/04/20: Updated Vocalist Info for Alegria, Bazzar, Dralion,
Mystere, Paramour, Quidam, Saltimbanco, Totem, Zaia,
and Zarkana
Fixed Tour Dates for Saltimbanco on Index Page
Updated Saltimbanco "Vertical Rope" Dates
Fixed links associated with Pomp Duck & Circumstance
Fixed last performance date for Balto & Sergey (La Nouba)
Fixed performance dates for Hand-to-Hand (Kooza)
Fixed performance dates for Aerial Hoop (Ovo)
Updated Music for Fascination
Moved Foot Juggling back to Main (Totem)
Some other odds-n-ends
08/10/20: Fixed some typos in Fascination's Music
Updated Totem's Vocalist dates
Tweaked Quidam's Duo Straps dates
Added La Nouba's original Power Track song
Added Children's Festival performance dates to MAGIE
Added Mystere's 1,000th performance date
08/13/20: Added notes to Alegria's acts to denote when Elena Lev
and Mikhail Matorin joined the original 1994 tour.
08/16/20: Updated Alegria's Evolution text
Tweaked Shoulder-Pole Wire Text
Added Catalog/UPC Numbers to Viva Elvis album
08/19/20: Added "Name Revealed" and "Press Conference" dates to
Quidam's Milestones box on its Itinéraire Page
Added "Name Revealed" date to Alegria's Milestones box
on its Itinéraire Page
Added Official Description text to Alegria: INAL's
Handbalancing act, via updated press kit
08/22/20: Added quote from Guy Carron to 1988 Historia
Added Naga/Eclipse to 1989 Historia
Added line about computer games to 2007 Historia
08/24/20: Added quote from Debra Brown to Alegria 1994 FastTrack
Tweaked text in 1996 Historia
Tweaked description of Aerial Contortion for Quidam
08/27/20: Tweaked description text on Quidam landing/Index page
Added text to 2002 Oscars Performance
Added text to Nouvelle Experience Musique page
09/16/20: Minor corrections to Alegria, Dralion, La Nouba, Quidam,
Saltimbanco, Zumanity dates, and Alegria: Live in
Fairfax CD
10/21/20: Updated REINVENTE Section
- Broke out 1990 from 1989/1990.
- Updated text for all acts, all years
- Updated/Corrected Music listing for each act
10/28/20: Some Quick Updates/Corrections/Additions
- Updated vocalists for Viva Elvis, Zumanity, MJ Immortal
- Updated LOVE "I am the Walrus" performance date
- Updated Mystere "German Wheel" performance date
- Added 3 Costume Concept pieces to ALEGRIA: INAL
- Added Pic to ZAIA Hoops Manipulation Act
10/29/20: Some More Quick Updates/Corrections/Additions
- Added some song names to SCALADA
- Added Cyr Wheel to BAZZAR
- Added Elena Lev's Hoops act to SALTIMBANCO
- Added Isabelle Vaudelle's act to ALEGRIA
11/03/20: Added "Spotlight - The Art of Richard MacDonald" to 2007 Historia
11/04/20: Added New "Tapis Rouge" Project to Creations Page
This page consolidates most VIP related concepts by
Cirque over the years, from "Friends of Cirque", the
"Dralion VIP Package", the "Cirque Insider" program in
Las Vegas, the Vegas VIP Packages, the "Premium Backstage
Experience" tours under the big top, L'Experience at
La Nouba, the Zumanity Wedding Package, and SPARK Sessions.
11/05/20: Added "Spotlight - Cirque Slot Machines" to 2016 Historia
11/15/20: Updated "O", Bazzar, and Totem Singers
Updated Quidam's Elena Lev Performance Dates
11/20/20: Updated ZUMANITY to add final show / closing announcement
Added 23 costume pics to Le Réveil du Serpent (Events)
Added 21 more pics to Réflexions de Bleu (Events)
Added 6 pics to 2002 Oscars Performance (Events)
Added 23 pics to Superbowl XLI (Events)
Added 4 pics to Canadian Pavilion (Historia 2010)
Added 20 pics to SAND 2 (Events)
Added 41 pics to Historia, various Tonight Show 1990-1999
Added 4 pics to "Journey of a Basketball Dream" (Historia 2016)
Added 3 pics to Mystere - Manipulation Act
Added 1 pic to Kurios - Chinese Pole Act
Added 1 pic to Saltimbanco - Contortion Act
Added Suspicious Minds Single to Musique
And some other odds'n'ends in Historia
11/25/20: Updated Zumanity vocalist dates (Last Performances)
Added Primary/Backup Hosts to Zumanity Personages
Added Aerial Silk as BAZZAR Rotation Act
11/27/20: Added "Yellow Submarine" info to LOVE
Tweaked Clown info in DRALION
11/29/20: Updated Nouvelle's Aerial Straps Fan Sketch
Added text to Alegria's Background / Characters
Tweaks to 1989, 1990, 2003, 2008 Historia
Added texts to Tournee 85

02/15/21: Removed CREACTIVE Mall Icon
Removed NYSA Icon/Page
Removed Cirque Park Icon/Page
Updated Vocalist info for Dralion
Fixed a typo for "A Tale" La Nouba lyric
Fixed Midnight Sun Date (Event Page)
Fixed Düsseldorf date on Pomp Duck page
Updated Handbalancing and Hoops Dates (Quidam)
Updated Vertical Rope and Boleadoras Dates (Saltimbanco)
Updated Volta Vocalist dates
Changed opening date of "O" from Oct 19 to Oct 15
(An invite only Gala happened on Bellagio's opening night;
the public premiere happened on the 19th)
Updated Fire Dance and Trapeze Dates (Alegria)
Updated Adagio, Handbalancing, and Hand-to-Hand (Alegria INAL)
Updated X: The Land of Fantasy acts list
Tweaked some Zumanity stuff
05/18/21: Updated Vocalist Info for: Alegria, Bazzar, Corteo, JOYA,
Satlimbanco & Volta
Added Song List to Twas the Night
Added 3 pics to Quidam's Dance Trapeze act (Thanks Propel!)
06/25/21: Updated Kooza, Luzia, Alegria INAL tour schedules to reflect
Covid-19 Hiatus and their 2021-2022 Restart Schedules
Updated La Nouba, Mystere, and Dralion Vocalist dates
Tweaks to Zumanity Aerial Lyra page & more
08/18/21: Updated Zumanity, Totem, Alegria INAL, and Mystere vocalists
Fixed missing OVO tour dates (Historical)
Updated "Drawn to Life" Premiere Date
Noted "Twas the Night" as 2019+
11/22/21: Updated "Drawn to Life" pages with new Banner, Experience
Text, and texts for Scénographie and Personages. Pictures to
come in the near future.
Updated Vocalist info for: Alegria, Alegria INAL, KA, Kooza,
Mystere, "O", Totem, Volta, and Wintuk
Added Songs to Acts for Axel
Updated Songs for Fascination, Dralion, Corteo, and La Nouba
11/23/21: Updated ALEGRIA-IN A NEW LIGHT section. Retired Crossed Wheel
and High Bar. Added German Wheel and Flying Trapeze (pics to
come). Updated music page accordingly.
Updated songs-to-acts for: KA, Kooza, Mystere, "O", Totem, ZAIA,
Volta, and Twas The Night.
Marked "La Forge aux Etoiles" Event as Closed
Updated JOYA section. Retired some acts, added Athertons, fixed
some songs-to-acts and updated Music page accordingly.
Also tweaked Zarkana and Wintuk
11/24/21: VITORI: Added Acts/Songs
JOEL: Added Acts/Songs, Fixed broken links/pics
Fixed typos in "O", Mystere, La Nouba, and "Drawn to Life"
Added Lyrics for...
- Alegria INAL: "Mirko", "Cerceaux"
- Axel: "Hero of the Day"
- X-Fantasy: "Burung Naga"
- Vitori: "King's Court", "Sages Guerriers", "Call Upon
The King", and "Último adiós"
DRAWN TO LIFE: Added Music Page, Pics to Experience
Added 25th Anniversary CD to MYSTERE Front Page
Added FIERI Event logo to Creations Page
11/26/21: Added Some Pics to ZAIA's Aerial Cube act and TOTEM's
Cyr Wheel Act and Diabolo Act.
Fixed typos on VITORI page
Added/Updated "X: The Land of Fantasy" Experience pages
Added/Updated "Twas the Night" Experience pages
Added Season 2 Info to "Big Top Academy"
12/2/21: Fixed Fieri Logo display on Creations Page
Fixed Music listings for: Wintuk, Luzia, Amaluna, Joya
Retired "Roller Skating" act in JOYA.
Added "Prologue" to TWAS THE NIGHT, and pics for Hair Hang
and Artistic Bicycle

01/06/22: Updated Alegria: INAL Tour Dates
Fixed finale date for La Forge aux étoiles
Added song list for La Forge aux étoiles
Updated Messi10 Tour Dates
Updated Final Show Dates for: AXEL, Paramour, TOTEM,
and VOLTA (closed due to COVID-19)
Updated ZUMANITY Backup Host List (Pepe Muñoz)
01/07/22: Retired JOYA's Jump Ropes, replaced with Hoop Diving
Updated TWAS THE NIGHT to 2021 Version, Pics Coming
01/10/22: Added Pics to TWAS THE NIGHT Experience
01/11/22: Updated X: THE LAND OF FANTASY Experience (Pics Coming)
01/12/22: Fixed some errors in TWAS THE NIGHT and X: THE LAND OF
FANTASY Experience pages.
Updated a couple of ZUMANITY songs-to-acts
Added pics to X: THE LAND OF FANTASY Experience
01/13/22: Added MORE pics to X: THE LAND OF FANTASY Experience
01/16/22: Added "Invisible Creatures" act to Retired for X: THE
Added even MORE pics to X: THE LAND OF FANTASY Experience
Updated KOOZA Itinerary, Vocalist Info
01/18/22: Updated X: THE LAND OF FANTASY Personages and Scénographie
pages, adding pics and tweaking the text.
01/19/22: Fixed typos on ALEGRIA Itineraire
Fixed typos on ALEGRIA: IN A NEW LIGHT
Added Breakdance/B-Boy to AMALUNA
Fixed link issue for EVENTS pages
Added Concept text to VITORI Special Event
Added Opening/Finale to Wintuk, tweaked Music
01/20/22: Added 2 Beau Rivage clown pics to ALEGRIA
Added 2 Stage pics to AMALUNA
Added 5 Les Macloma pics to QUIDAM
Added 1 Les Frères Velasquez pic to QUIDAM
Added 2 Store pics to IRIS
Added 2 Icarian Games pics to KA
01/21/22: Added 2020 and 2021 Historia Texts
01/22/22: Added NYSA Sketeches to 2021 Historia
Added Under the Same Sky Sketches to 2021 Historia
Added "CirqueConnect" Banner to 2021 Historia
01/23/22: Added more to 2021 Historia Text (New CEO)
01/24/22: Added 1994 Mystere Brochure to 1994 Historia
Added 2002 Quidam Wall Picture to 2002 Historia
Added Varekai ZINK images to 2004 Historia
01/25/22: Fixed Broken Link for B-Boy Pix (Amaluna)
Tweaked "O" Vocalist/Music
Added Ice Giants scene to WINTUK Experience
Revised Act Lineup and Song List for Scalada: Vision
Added Song List for Scalada: Stelar
Updated OVO Experience to retire Foot Juggling and Slack
Wire. Added Chinese Poles and Duo Trapeze
Added Aerial Hoop Backup Act to LOVE (Yesterday)
01/26/22: Updated Wintuk Experience Act Descriptions
Updated Bazzar Create Team List
Added a couple more pix to 2020/2021 Historia
Added Daniel Lamarre's New Book "Balancing Acts" to
Livres Page with two excerpts.
Added Welby Altidor's 2017 Book "Creative Courage" to
Livres Page
01/27/22: BAZZAR: Added 2 pics to Cyr Wheel Act
BAZZAR: Added 5 pics to Costumes/Characters
CORTEO: Added 3 pics to Set/Stage
Luna Petunia: Added 5 Concept Pics to "About the Series"
Luna Petuna: Added 2 "Return to Amazia" Posters
02/01/22: Quick update to Joya vocalist: Júlia Tázie
Updates to Quidam vocalists: André Boileau and Alain Labrie
02/02/22: Reworked the "Soleil de Minuit" Event Page
Edited the "Big KA Coloring Book" Page
Edited the "Balancing Acts" Book Page
02/04/22: Added Cirque at SEA - COSMOS
Added Cirque at SEA - EXCENTRICKS
Added New JOYA Singer - Ruth Robles
02/22/22: Fixed Italics in Alegria: INAL
Added Song to Luzia's Slack Wire
Updated Drawn to Life to include Icarian Games
Updated Aerial Cradle, Cyr Wheel, Juggling music for La Nouba
Updated Dei Ex Machina and High Bar music for Mystere
Updated songs for Nouvelle Experience
03/10/22: Updated Quidam Songs-to-Acts
Tweaked Mystere Songs-to-Acts
Tweaked Luzia, Corteo, Kurios, OVO Vocalists
03/11/22: Updated OVO Experience
Updated Bazzar Songs-to-Acts
Added "Best of Pomp (Vol 1)" CD to Pomp Duck Page
04/15/22: ALEGRIA INAL: Added Official Descriptions to German Wheel
and Trapeze acts, and added Juggling (Pins) to Reserve.
Updated "O" Vocalists Marie Marceau and Dina Emerson
Hopefully fixed special characters display error on Pomp Duck CD
Updated acts list/running order for SAND: Amal and Fakhar
Moved KOOZA's Diablo act to Main.
Added FIERI Event Page w/Details
Updated JOYA for 2022
05/27/22: Added MAD APPLE, FUZION, and MUV logos to Creations Page
CORTEO: Noted Vocal Aerial Silk and Aerial Silk are
retired, added Diabolo Duo.
KOOZA: Returned Diabolo to Reserve. Noted The Indian Singer
role has officially been renamed the "Spirit Singer"
as of 2022.
Fixed some typos/added to Music to Acts on the Musique pages
Added Acts / Music to ALLAVITA in Special Events
Added Aerial Cube to JOYA Reserve Acts list
A couple of other odds and ends...
06/27/22: Reordered OVO Acts
Fixed Corteo music listing error (Paradise)
Retired Crystal's "Balancing on Chairs", added "Canes"
Added "New Bungees" song to Mystere Music (Song added
in the show on Jun.21.2022)
Noted Mystere's "Aerial Silk" is back as an act in reserve
Updated Wintuk's Rola Bola song - "City Workers"
Temporary replaced "Russian Cradle" with "Chinese Pole" for
Kurios, due to an extended injury.
06/28/22: Updated/Added "Twas The Night" Personages Page
Updated "O" Character Descriptions w/Pix
Added FIERI Event Page w/Details & Pix
06/30/22: Added MAD APPLE landing (index) page
09/21/22: FUZION: Fixed Picture Error and Updated Music Listing
Updated singer Cristian Zabala to Cris Zabala in Alegria and Dralion
Updated Music/Singers pages for Dralion, KA, Corteo,
Mystere, Paramour, and Joya
Fixed Alegria INAL to IANL (Whoops!)
And a couple of other odds and ends
09/22/22: Updated BAZZAR vocalists, music to acts
Added Hula Hoop to BAZZAR Experience
Un-retired KURIOS's "Russian Cradle Duo" and retired
"Chinese Pole" again.
Added "Juggling" to KURIOS' Reserve act list
Updated KURIOS vocalists (Estelle Esse)
Changed song name of SALTIMBANCO's Diabolo, Artistic Bike,
and Aerial Strap acts from "Bicycle" to "Grand Tour"
Moved SALTIMBANCO's Aerial Straps to Main
Updated ZARAKANA Songs-to-Acts
Fixed a typo on the ZARKANA Personages page
09/23/22: Added "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" song to TWAS THE NIGHT
Juggling acts.
Retired KOOZA's "Aerial Straps" and added "Flying Silks"
Updated OVO's Vocalists, Added "Hair Hanging" to Experience
Added MAD APPLE Vocalists; Retired "Russian Bar"
Fixed Alegria: Le Film link error on Musique Index Page
Added new LUZIA Singer: Enid Ayala (backup)
Updated LUZIA Songs-to-Acts list
Retired LUZIA's "Slack Wire"; Added "Artistic Bicycle"
Added LA MAGIE Perche act
Added MUV Page to Events
Added VIVE NOS DIVAS to Hommage Events Page
11/16/22: Updated Kurios' Chinese Pole act retirement date
Added Alessandra Gonzalez to OVO's Vocalist List
Fixed OVO's Hair Suspension Act Placement
Added "Solo Straps" to Alegria: INAL, fixed typos
Fixed typo on Saltimbanco's "Balancing on Canes" dates
Updated TWAS THE NIGHT Personnages text
Bifurcated TWAS "The Spark" and "Acrobatic Table" acts
Updated ZARKANA music listing for Cyr Wheel/Cerceaux act
Updated Paramour Hamburg character understudies
Updated KOOZA "Flying Silks" act start date
Added Creative Team list to MUV event
Added SAND 2022 (Sarwat Wata) to Event List
Updated Drawn to Life "Unicycles"
Added "Cube Manipulation" to BAZZAR Reserve list
Updated BAZZAR Songs to Acts Listings
Added new "Solo Aerial Strap" to BAZZAR Experience
Some act shifting around for X: The Land of Fantasy
Added ECHO (Tour 2023) landing page

02/01/23: Updated Alegria INAL "German Wheel" song
Updated Singer listings for: Alegria INAL, Alegria, Amaluna
Echo, Mad Apple, Paramour, OVO,
Updated MYSTERE Bungee post-act interlude songs
Updated SALTIMBANCO "Manipulation" song listing
Removed "Spanish Web" from ZUMANITY
Changed ZARKANA "Ladder" to Duo from Trio
Updated ZARKANA "Aerial Hoop" songs
Fixed X: LAND OF FANTASY menu error
Updated KOOZA Manipulation performance dates
Added DRAWN TO LIFE "Aerial Hoop" Rotation act
Moved CORTEO's "Aerial Silk" from Retired to Reserve
Moved CORTEO's "Hula Hoops" from Main to Reserve
Added "Hair Hanging" to LUZIA's Reserve acts
Updated songs for LUZIA's "Hair Hang", "Juggling", and
"Artistic Bicycle" acts
Added unique, but now retired stringed instrument act in
reserve by OVO band member Sébastien Savard
Split ALEGRIA's "Tight Wire" and "Slack Wire" acts into two
separate pages
Updated JOYA's acts
02/03/23: Added AMORA to Special Events section
Added Concept Text to SCALADA, Year 1
Added Pics to X: LAND OF FANTASY "Aerial Silk" and
"Cyr Wheel" acts
Added a Pic to LUZIA "Artistic Bicycle" act
Added Pics to BAZZAR "Cyr Wheel" and "Fixed Trapeze" acts
Added a few Pics to JOYA
Added Pic Gallery to SAND 3: Sarwat Wata
04/19/23: Fixed Scalada Year 1 & 2 Concept Texts
Fixed typo on "Flying with the Birds" track on BEST OF 2 CD
Added "Dance Trapeze" to Alegria INAL
Updated Vocalist info for LUZIA, "O", Alegria,
Updated music for Bazzar's "Mallakhamb" and "Hula Hoop" acts
Retired Bazzar's "Cyr Wheel" Act; Added "Juggling"
Updated CRYSTAL's music
Updated CRYSTAL's acts - Balancing on Chairs vs. Duo Canes
Fixed typo on DRAWN TO LIFE's "Unicycles" act
Updated DRAWN TO LIFE acts: Icarian Games vs. Stilt Walking
Retired KOOZA's "Cyr Wheel" act.
Updated TWAS THE NIGHT to reflect 2022 season changes
04/20/23: Added 2 New Special Events:
- (1995) Mémoires de Voyages
- (2014) "The Tortoise Trainer"
Fixed 4 pictures for FIERI erroneously under AMORRA
Updated a couple of quick things for X: THE LAND OF FANTASY
04/21/23: Updated Tour Itineraries for: Alegria In a New Light, Bazzar,
Kooza, Kurios, Luzia, Corteo, Crystal, Messi10, OVO.
04/28/23: Initially added text for ECHO Characters, Experience and
Music Information.
Then added a few photos to some of ECHO's acts
Added VIZION Special Event Logo
Later, redid the ECHO information with texts from the
Press Kit.
(Scenography and more Pictures to come.)
07/05/23: Added previously unknown Mystere clown: Jonah Logan
Added act descriptions for TWAS THE NIGHT's Hair Hanging act,
Snowstorm act, and Ava character.
Tweaked verbage in Dralion vocalist descriptions
Updated vocalists for Kooza, Luzia
Corrected a few song names for Quidam
10/26/23: Changed out "La Forge aux étoiles" pictures
Updated KOOZA Vocalist, Itinerary stop, Act Date
Moved KURIOS "Handbalancing" to Retired
Fixed LUZIA "Hair Hang" Date
Update MESSI10 Itinerary Dates
Fixed VITORI song name
Added "Juggling" / "Cyr Wheel" to BAZZAR Rotation acts
Fixed ALEGRIA Song for Snowstorm, Entr'acte
Updated ALEGRIA INAL song listings, Vocalists
Added "Cyr Wheel" to ALEGRIA INAL; retired "German Wheel"
Added MAD APPLE acts-in-rotation
Updated ECHO vocalists
Retired "Flying Poles/Chrysalid" and "Diabolo" in ECHO
Added "Contortion" and "Aerial Poles" to ECHO
10/27/23: Added VIZION page to Special Events
Added brief synopsis to SARAWAT WATAN (SAND 2022)
Added FESTA page to Special Events
11/02/23: Added "Rat Act" to Saltimbanco
Updated MYSTERE "Aerial Silk" act notes
Updated JOYA acts (Brandom Rueda)
Updated X: LAND OF FANTASY with retired/new acts
Added "Duo Dance" to ZAIA acts list
11/21/23: Added "Icarian Games" to KOOZA acts
Added pix to "Cyr Wheel" and "Flying Silks" (KOOZA)
Fixed Mystere typo
Added backup vocal to JOYA
11/22/23: The ECHO Update -- Added pics to acts, restructured the
Experience slightly, added Scenography.

01/29/24: Updated KA CD to 2023 Cover Version
Updated BAZZAR "Cyr Wheel" music to "Unknown"
Updated DRAWN TO LIFE Vocalist
Updated ECHO Vocalist, Added Cube Manipulation
Updated MYSTERE Aerial Straps, Aerial Silks
Updated "O" Barge Act
Added MAD APPLE back-up vocalist; Rola Bola
Updated TWAS THE NIGHT to 2023 Version
04/24/24: Updated Tour Itineraries for: Alegria INAL, Kooza,
Kurios, Luzia, Bazzar, ECHO, Crystal, Corteo,
Messi10, and OVO
06/20/24: Refreshed "O" act descriptions
06/21/24: Updated Mystere Songs to Acts Listings (Experience & Musique)
Updated Vocalists for Alegria, Drawn to Life, Kooza,
Saltimbanco, Echo
Added "Twist'n Shout" note to LOVE; added Walrus remove date
Updated Corteo, Kooza, Delirium Musique
Fixed a typo on Luzia Itinerarie (Zurich)
Added Dislocation to Mad Apple
Retired Cube Manipulation for ECHO, Added Aerial Loops Duo
Added Solo Aerial Straps (Reserve) for KURIOS
Added Contortion Solo and Handbalancing on Canes to KOOZA
Un-retired CRYSTAL's Duo Canes Act.
Retired ALEGRIA: INAL's Solo Straps and Dance Trapeze acts
Updated music for FESTA event
Fixed BAZZAR Itinerarie; added "Strapeze", retired Aerial Silks
Added Aerial Pole to JOYA, retured Cube to Reserve
06/24/24: Updated ZAIA act dates, songs, vocalists, etc.
Retired OVO's Aerial Hoop; added Aerial Net
X-FANTASY: Updated Vocalists, Added Aerial Pole, Hair Hang
Added SPIRIT to Events
06/25/24: Experience Music Format change: Mystere, "O", La Nouba,
Zumanity, KA, Wintuk, ZAIA, ZED, Banana Shpeel, IRIS,
Zarkana, JOYA, X: The Land of Fantasy, and Drawn to Life
Grand Tour, Tour 85, Magie, Le Cirque Reinvente, Nouvelle
Experience, Fascination, Saltimbanco, Alegria, Quidam, Dralion,
and Varekai
06/26/24: Experience Music Format change: Corteo, Kooza, OVO, Corteo,
Amaluna, Kurios, Toruk, Luzia, Septimo Dia, Volta, Crystal,
Bazzar, Alegria: IANL, Axel, Messi10, Twas the Night, ECHO
and Journey of Man.
06/28/24: Updated Pictures for DRAWN TO LIFE, added more pictures to
Acts, Theater, and Characters
06/30/24: Added Experience for MAD APPLE (no descriptions, but pix if
07/03/24: Added the SONGBLAZERS logo to the Creations Page. Actual page
coming soon.
08/14/24: Added Basic pages for SongBlazers. Images to come.
Added SongBlazers album to Musique
11/27/24: Noted SongBlazer's and Messi10's closing
Fixed issue with Arena Touring Dates display
Updated Mad Apple, Quidam, Luzia, Echo vocalists
Added Creative Team to Allavita! Event
Added 2024 Twas The Night tour dates
Added "Aerial Pole" to SPIRIT event acts list
Fixed Luzia 2020/2022 Tour Dates
Updated music for Luzia's "Futbol Freestyle"
Added "Aerial Lamp" to Bazzar
Moved "Solo Straps" back to Rotation for Alegria IANL
Updated Corteo "Diabolo"; "Hula Hoop" act/music
Updated La Nouba, Zaia music
Updated Kooza acts
Updated JOYA "Aerial Pole" act
Updated OVO's "Chinese Pole" act/music; Retired "Aerial Net"
Updated X: THE LAND OF FANTASY pages
Added ECHO album to MUSIQUE
Updated ECHO Songs to Acts lists
Added SUBLIM to Events
Changed Tamir/Little Tamir Note on Alegria
Added "Aerial Cradle" reserve act to Nouvelle
Added logos for 'AUANA, LUDÕ, and ALIZÉ to Creations