A suspended platform swings back and forth under the spotlights. The audience, immediately
captivated, is irresistibly drawn to the gracious silhouette of a young handbalancer. Perched on the
platform, Olga Pikhienko moves through a series of precarious balancing positions of ever-increasing difficulty.

The second half of the show picks up right where the first half left
off, with our lost souls milling about on stage. As the lights rise,
John strikes a pose and suddenly everything changes in a flash.
A suspended platform swings back and forth under the spotlights. The
audience, immediately captivated, is irresistibly drawn to the gracious
silhouette of a young hand-balancer. Perched on the platform, the performer
moves through a series of precarious balancing positions of ever-increasing
difficulty. This is one of the most typical "circus" acts in Quidam, but
is also one of the most virtuoso performances.