Moving with grace and delicacy, Isabelle Vaudelle becomes one with the columns
of red fabric that supports and cradles her. To haunting music, contortionist and
cloth intertwine, separate and embrace again. The translucent fabric occasionally
hugs the body of the performer, creating a stunning effect that touches the artist
in each of us. This act, which requires strength, flexibility and agility, won
Isabelle the silver medal at the XXIIIe Festival du cirque de demain in Paris, where
she represented Cirque du Soleil.

As our eyes gaze toward the top of the tent, a cocoon of red silk slinks from
behind the orchestra, and an amazingly beautiful acrobat performs an Aerial
Contortion ballet. Isabele Vaudelle climbs, not a rope, but a twisted strip of red
fabric. Reaching a height of about 12 meters above the stage, she hooks a foot
into it for support, and then unravels it, revealing that there are in fact two
wide strips. She hides herself "inside," creating a scarlet silhouette of her
body, and then executes a series of stunning maneuvers in which it is not always
clear how, or why, the fabric is still supporting her weight. When "Let Me Fall"
finishes, the act quickly accelerates as the performer lets loose, becomes violent,
and eventually reaches her emotional climax. She finishes with a hangman's noose,
hands and feet clear, supporting her entire body weight on her neck. Not only is it an
athletically astonishing act, but in context it was so hauntingly beautiful performed
to "Let Me Fall" from the soundtrack, but sung in Cirquish language.
[The act has been personified two different ways: first, as an internal
struggle by the Mother, who watches the performance from below. When the
performer gives up and descends to the ground, the Mother and two other
women dressed similarly carry her away. The second, while still personifying
the Mother's anguish, sees the Father watching from below, and then carrying
her off once she’s spent. Isabelle Vaudelle, who originated the act in Quidam,
ended her performance by giving the poignant illusion of hanging herself in
the silk, which not all who have followed her do.]