Prospera brings Romeo and Miranda to witness the Balance Goddess
creating a world in equilibrium with a mobile made of thirteen palm
leaf ribs. An ode to balance, her movements are slow, deliberate and
almost meditative as she concentrates all her attention on this
literally breathtaking structure. And then she removes the smallest
piece, everything disintegrates and the young couple’s trials begin.

In "Sanddorn Balance" (sand and thorn), a truly breathtaking
experience unfolds. Lara Jacobs Rigolo, Balance Goddess, uses thirteen
palm leaf ribs to build a fragile, giant mobile – a sculpture
consisting of a number of rods, from which weighted objects or further
rods hang. The objects hanging from these ribs demonstrate the Greek
mathematical Principle of the Lever, balancing each other so that the
rods remain more or less horizontal, but never falling (or so we
Presented in a slow, suspenseful build, we can only sit and
watch in awe as Lara grabs each rib with her toes and gently balances
her growing sculpture upon it, her head, and later a stand above her
head! (Her mobile serves as inspiration for the hanging lamps
throughout the big top). An ode to balance, her movements are slow,
deliberate and almost meditative as she concentrates all her attention
on this literally breathtaking structure. And when she removes the
smallest piece everything disintegrates and the young couple's trials
begin: will Romeo fight for Miranda?