Fenced in, the young men launch themselves high into the air,
twisting and turning in a playful high-speed attempt to escape – at
first from gravity then from their prison. They pull off several
seemingly impossible feats, like landing in a handstand on another
performer’s upturned palms or running across a mini-stage inclined
at a steep angle.

The boys, in their Renaissance-style denim doublets, find themselves
fenced in and launch themselves high into the air, twisting and
turning in a playful high-speed attempt to escape. Starting out like a
traditional Korean Plank number, these boys fly, flip, twist and turn
head-over-heels before landing on the wooden plank beneath them.
However, as their desperation to be free grows, so do the risks they
take – such as landing in a handstand on another performer's upturned
palms, leaping onto a nearby platform set askew, and onto the
shoulders of their peers through this showcase of power and energy.
Truly an action packed and highly skilled act presented as never