When Isabelle Brisset (1990) or Nicky Dewurst (1991-1993) moves
across the void, the beauty of her/his movements hangs by tightrope.

The act opens with one of the Flounes moving about on a wooden ball. He
spins, dances, and jumps until the Everyman enters the stage. The Everyman and
the Floune try to shake hands again, and this time they succeed. The two begin
to dance until the other Flounes enter, the fifth Floune's ball, do a little
trick with a quilt, and reveal a tightrope walker.
Don't let the fact that this act takes place less than ten feet from the
stage floor fool you; it's not about the height... it's about staying on
through wild walks, flips and spins! Combine skill, concentration, and a hint
of laughter and this act comes together quite nicely. Hint of laughter you say?
Oh, yes... when the Grand Chamberlain attempts to get in on the act (and fails
miserably), you can't help but laugh out loud. He'll get it in the end though
and the two will perform flawlessly together. The pair's amazement is later
shattered by the Grosse Femme, followed by the meldoy of her arrival. She'll
chase off our Everyman... to give room to our next performance.