Les Chemins Invisibles

Les Chemins Invisibles - The Invisible Paths
Les Chemins Invisibles (Invisible Paths) was a seasonal outdoor show created by
Cirque du Soleil and performed during the summer street events in Quebec City's Saint-Roch
district. In 2009, Cirque signed a $34,400,000 CDN, five-year contract with the
city to produce performances during the summer months. Admission was free and open
to the public; the show was presented 5 nights a
week for a total of around 50 shows each summer. The show is about three tribes
from separate cultures that meet to share one another's experiences. Les Chemins
Invisibles follows the success of the special show 400e anniversaire, which
was presented in 2008 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the city.
Dates: | Year 1: June 24 - September 2, 2009
Year 2: June 24 - September 4, 2010
Year 3: June 24 - September 3, 2011
Year 4: June 26 - September 3, 2012
Year 5: June 23 - September 1, 2013 |
Type: | Special Public Event |
Chapter 1: The Enriched Encounter
Throughout Les Chemins invisibles, members of the Brumes, Brasiers and Sables tribes
(the Fog, Fire and Sands tribes) reveal the richness of the blend of cultures and artistic
genres when they meet with another tribe, the Embarrassants. These street performers
invite the public to four rendez-vous in the heart of downtown Quebec City.
Each representing one of the three primary colours,-the Brumes, Brasiers and Sables
tribes take different roads to finally gather at the Îlot Fleurie under the Dufferin-
Montmorency highway overpass. As night falls, they set up ingenious campsites for their
rituals, which are rich in sound, images and movements.
The juggling, dancing, singing and twirling buskers invite the public to literally
follow them along each of three separate paths to the Jardin des Embarrassants. The
piers and decks of the highway bridges are transformed into the arches of a surreal,
colourful cathedral-a true temple of poetry. Les Chemins invisibles is a foray into
the intimacy of urban characters, who transform the street into a meeting place that
is open to the world.
Chapter 2: Furrow of Dreams
The first chapter of Les Chemins Invisibles revealed the rich encounter
between three tribes (Brumes, Brasiers and Sables) and the Embarrassants. This
first foray opened the door onto a hopeful, lyrical world bursting with colour
and light. The tribes made peace and formed a community in the heart of the
Saint-Roch district.
Furrow of Dreams, follows this newly formed community
that has turned the Îlot Fleurie into a place of sharing, harmony and reconciliation.
Some of the leaders of the new tribe have gone away with the Embarrassants to show
them the world. When they return home, they bring with them a great many wonders.
Tapage and Discorde, two characters with a tormented past, are welcomed warmly into
the fold.
The homecoming celebrations revolve around a sacred key that opens the door to
the dream world. However, the festivities do not go as planned and fall into lyrical
chaos. Under the direction of the tribe’s grand sage, singers, dancers, acrobats,
jugglers and musicians perform ever more prowess and guide Tapage and Discorde on their
fantastical adventure.
This great journey into the world of dreams heals Tapage and Discorde’s wounds
and helps them find the invisible path of the soul, heart and mind.
Les Chemins Invisibles features 75 artists from various disciplines who bring the
streets of the Saint-Roch neighbourhood to life with a performance that lasts 60 to
70-minutes in total.
Via Les Chemins Invisibles (The Invisible Paths), members of the Brumes, Brasiers
and Sables (fog, fire and sand) tribes reveal the wealth that comes from mixing cultures
and artistic genres when they come into contact with another tribe, the Embarrassants.
Each sporting its own primary colour, the three tribes-gather at the Îlot Fleurie under
the Dufferin-Montmorency highway overpass using different routes.
- Brumes tribe: On Saint-Dominique street, between Saint-Roch and de la Reine
- Brasiers tribe: Corner Du Pont street and Saint-Vallier east
- Sables tribe: Corner de l’Éperon street and Saint-Vallier east
As night falls, they set up ingenious campsites for their rituals, which
are rich in sound, imagery and movement. The juggling, dancing, singing and twirling
performers invite the public to literally follow them along each of three separate paths
to the Jardin des Embarrassants.
Jean-François Bouchard Senior Creation Director
Julien Gabriel Original concept & Writer
Jean -Jacques Pillet Adaptation and Director
Marie-Hélène Delage Artistic Coordinator
Philippe Gosselin Artistic Coordinator
Jean-Jacques Pillet Choreography
Johanne Gélinas Choreography
Jacqueline Lemieux Assistant to Choreographer
Édesia Moreno Assistant to Choreographer
Lucien Bernèche Costumes
Chantal Gagnon Makeup
Mario Bouchard Set Design
David Ouellet Accessories
Jacques Boucher Sound
Mathieu Poirier Lighting
Frank Dufaux Projections
Alain Vinet Musical Director & Arrangement
Francis Covan Composer
Chapter 3: The Kingdom of Tin
As the sun sets over the horizon, in his “royaume de tôle” (tin kingdom),
the Emperor beckons all to take part in an out-of-the-ordinary urban cabaret
presented outdoors under the Dufferin highway overpass in Quebec City’s lower
town district. Le Royaume de tôle—the third chapter of Les Chemins invisibles
created by Cirque du Soleil—is a striking mélange of acrobatics, street dance,
music and multimedia bearing the distinct signature of Cirque du Soleil.
- Opening (Dance)
- Fil de Fer
- Boleadoras and Fire (mix of fire-related disciplines)
- Perche
- Fiesta (Diabolos, Korean Plank, Tumbling)
- Hoop Manipulation
- Trapeze Duplex
- Trampoline/Wall
- Finale (Dance)
Jacques Méthé Executive Producer
Joanne Fillion Director of Creation
Oliver Dufour Creator & Director
Oliver Dufour Projection Designer
GhislainTurcotte Head Choreographer
Harold Rhéaume Choreographer
Michael Duffy Movement Coach
Marie-Chantale Vaillancourt Costumes
Nathalie J. Simard Makeup
Jacques Boucher Sound
Hubert Gagnon Lighting
Studio Élément
Éric Denis Projection
Jean-François Dugal Projection
Thierry Roussel Garneau Projection
Simon Giguère Projection
Alain Vinet Musical Director
Bob & Bill Composers & Arrangers
Bob & Bill Musical Direction, Lyrics
Bob & Bill Recorded Musicians
ElsieanneC aplette Additional Music, Lyrics
Éric Lafond Director of Production
Chapter 4: The Pixel Frontier
The Pixel Frontier saw a child’s
dreams take the public at sunset on a voyage into the heart of his imaginary world
where traditional meets virtual, and where the child becomes aware of the beauty
of human contact through scintillating exchanges that multiply all around him.
Performed outside under the Dufferin highway overpass in Quebec City’s downtown
area, right in the heart of the Saint-Roch district, The Pixel Frontier — the fourth
chapter of the Les Chemins invisibles event created by Cirque du Soleil — combines
acrobatic performances, dance, music and multimedia, all in the signature Cirque
du Soleil style.
- Opening (Dance)
- Hoops
- Dance Trapeze (Female Duet)
- Acrobatics (Play/Dance) — "Cube Ninja Body"
- Chinese Poles
- Straps (Male)
- Hand-Balancing (Female) — "Flos Metallum"
- Acrobatic Bicycle & Inline Skates
- Double Skipping Rope
- Cyr Wheel w/Bear Mask
- Clown
- Acrobatics Finale
Jacques Méthé Executive Producer
Joanne Fillion Director of Creation
Richard Dagenais Director of Creation
Pamela Schneider Creator & Director
Pamela Schneider Projection Designer
Dawn Wilson Assistant to the Director
Dawn Wilson General Stage Manager
Sacha Kleinplats Choreographer
Andrew Tay Choreographer
James Lavoie Set & Props
James Lavoie Costumes & Makeup
Jacques Boucher Sound
Nol Van Genuchten Light & Multimedia Designer
Moment Factory Video Content Production
Philippe Aubertin Acrobatic Designer
Rob Bollinger Artistic Director
Rob Bollinger Head Coach
Jason Wasserman Illustrator
Alain Vinet Musical Director
Francis Collard Musical Arrangements
Francis Collard Musical Direction
Beatrice Bonnifassi Lyrics
Francis Collard Musical Composition
Beatrice Bonifassi Musical Composition
Dominic Dagenais Musical Composition
Catherine Ledoux Musical Composition
Éric Lafond Production Director
Chapter 5: The Harbor of Lost Souls
The Harbor of Lost Souls, the fifth and final installment of the series,
has the employees of an old customs officer offering him a most unforgettable
night to celebrate his birthday. In this mysterious realm, the jolly schemers
awaken a strange world in which the old man will re-live some of the pivotal
moments of his long life. In a stream of festive tableaux, the liberating power
of memories whisks him away on a journey during which he will discover long
forgotten parts of his inner self.
Inspired by the Port of Quebec, a place steeped in history, The Harbor of
Lost Souls directed by Martin Genestwas a unique outdoor show. In a new setting,
both physically and artistically, the international cast of 35 artists hailing
from countries such as Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Canada and the United States,
will give a 50-minute performance.
“For Martin Genest, the site where the show will be presented inspired a
concept that draws on the memories of the bustle that once filled the Port of
Quebec. We hope that the unforgettable night the old customs officer is about
to experience will delight spectators and fill them with wonder,” said Richard
Dagenais, director of creation at Cirque du Soleil.
- Opening — "The Irish Parade"
- Prelude to Duo Trapeze — "Odoodem"
- Duo Trapeze — "Ooshou Dom Be"
- Film Studio/Icarian Games — "Action"
- Circus/Unicycles and Juggling — "Vintage Parade"
- Aerial Hoop — "Flying Horses" and "Angelic"
- Prelude to Russian Cradle — "Feast Dance"
- Russian Cradle — "Feast Day"
- Wheel of Death — "Victory"
- Banquine — "Wenninsun"
- Irish Dance/Finale — "The Irish Parade"
Richard Dagenais Director of Creation
Martin Genest Director
David Pulin Assistant to the Director
Félix Dagenais Assistant Director (Atomic3)
Alison Crawford Artistic Director
Sonya St-Martin General Stage Manager
André Morency Dramaturge
Harold Rhéaume Choreographer
Philippe Aubertin Acrobatic Performance Designer
Philippe Aubertin Coach
Guillaume Lord Set & Props Designer
Alain Vinet Musical Director
Bob & Bill Music Designers
James Lavoie Costume Designer
Laurence Mongeau Assistant Costume Designer
Geneviève Maranda Assistant Costume Designer
Elisabeth Lehoux Make-Up Designer
Louis-Xavier Gagnon-Lebrun Lighting Designer (Atomic3)
Jacques Boucher Sound Designer
Claude Leduc Illustrator